Everyone wants santana

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*with Derek behind bars now, Santana has become a lot more comfortable venturing round the building on her own at work. She no longer feels the need to go back and forth checking that Brittany is still in her office. Brittany is happy that Santana has come out of her shell completely but as you'd expect, she is still getting used to not having the brunette stuck by her hip 24/7. They love each other's company more than anything so it's totally normal for them to have withdrawals after everything. It's something san can joke and laugh about whenever Brittany becomes the clingy one instead of her*

*today was one of those days! Brittany looks up at the time on her phone to see that it's been a little under an hour since san went to the little room. She knows she cant stop for a break so instead she just send san a quick text*

*on the phone*

Brittany: *sends a gif with the caption: 'I miss your face'*

Santana: *had herself surrounded by a bunch of screaming and hyper littles, pulling her in all directions.* hang on! I need to make sure the bossy lady isn't needing me for anything. *that's how she describes Brittany when she is talking to the littles because it makes them laugh*

little #1: *was currently hanging on Santana's back, looking over her shoulder* is it her? *watches as Santana reads the message and chuckles at whatever it said*

Santana: yeah it's her! *smiles at the little on her back*

little #1: she needs you? *pouts at that possibility*

Santana: i think so! *smiles sympathetically because its not the urgent task she was talking about but she knows that she still needs to go and pay the blonde a visit to cure her separation withdrawals shes having*

Little #1: oh ok! *frowns a little as she lets go of san*

Santana: hey, no need to frown! I'll only be gone a minute. *smiles as the little perks up at that. Once Santana was free of any littles, she makes her way to Brittany's office*

Danny: *sees san pass* wow, it took you 45 minutes to cave in this time! that must be a new record for you two! *chuckles as she jokes about the girls clinginess to each other*

Santana: *playfully rolls her eyes and chuckle at Danny's comment* yep! The crazy thing is that it wasn't me to message first this time. *chuckle's as does Danny*

Danny: uh oh... well, good luck getting back out that office anytime soon. *laughs as does san*

Santana: *enters Brittany's office* you called? *smiles as she makes her way over to Brittany, not even hesitating to straddling the blondes lap*

Brittany: yes i did! *smiles at san as she wraps her arms round the brunette's waist*

Santana: what can i do for you? *speaks all serious like she has better things to do. But deep down she is loving the attention*

Brittany: *chuckles at san's choice of words because they both know that it's got nothing to do with work* am i on a timer or something? *playfully tilts her head and looks at san curiously*

Santana: well... not that i don't love having you're attention all on me while we are away from your moody offspring bu-

Brittany: HEY! Theres no need for that! *gives san a glare*

Santana: *playfully rolls her eyes at getting scolded like a child* sorry, but you know I'm not wrong. *mumbles under her breath*

Brittany: *playfully rolls her eyes, knowing that it's pointless to argue with san in her big headspace* ANYWAY... you were saying? *wants to move on so her and san don't fall out for real*

Santana: *didn't wanna argue with the blonde either so she goes back to batting her eyes and smiling innocently* i love you!

Brittany: *chuckles and playfully rolls her eyes because she is totally wrapped around sans finger, and the brunette knows that and shamelessly uses it to her advantage. Like right now* i love you too! *smiles as does san*

*just as they got lost in their own little bubble of love, there was a very faint knock at the door. It wasn't quite loud enough for the young couple to hear so whoever was on the other side of the door decided to just let themselves in*

Little #1: *looks round the room and spotted the young couple* Sanny? *spoke quietly due to being nervous that she was gonna get shouted at or something*

Santana: *snaps back to reality and looks round at whoever just called her name* hey! What are you doing here? *spoke sweetly at the little as she goes over to pick her up*

Little #1: you taking too long... i missed you! *pouts as she looks up at san with puppy eyes*

*Brittany sits back and smiles at san interacting with the little, imagining her as a mother to their kid they have been talking about having in the near future*

Santana: *chuckles at the littles version of "a long time"* i haven't been gone that long sweetie! *cuddles with the little for a minute to make her feel better*

Danny: *just got back from her quick bathroom break and sees Brittany's door has been left open* knock! Knock! *taps on the door a she pokes her head into see whats going on*

Brittany: *smiles at Danny* hey D! Come on in!

Danny: *walks closer to Brittany's desk and looks between the young couple* how did this cutie get in here? *smiles at the little as she tickles her stomach, making the girl wriggle in san's arms*

Santana: well when i came to see Britt, this little one didn't really like that idea. So i guess she decided to be sneaky and come after me. *smiles as does Danny*

Danny: i see that i choose the wrong time to have a bathroom break. She must have slipped right by me. *smiles as she also reaches out to tickle the little one again, making her laugh*

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