Getting through the night

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*that evening*

*All the guests are gone and the house is back to being nice and quiet. Brittany decided that she would have Layla and sam stay for dinner to make up for their time apart. As expected, Layla was over the moon to have time with her mama again*

*its around 6pm right now and sam was in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. Brittany was very persistent with him at first coz she didn't feel like it would be right to make him cook for everyone. But Sam reassured her that he was more than happy to do so. He wants the ladies to just relax and have time together to make up for lost time, So Brittany eventually gave in and left him to it.*

Brittany: *walked into the living room to see the girls all cuddled up on the couch, chatting about stuff* what you girlies chatting about? *sat between her 2 girls as they made some space for her then cuddled into her sides*

Layla: *blushes a little with Brittany looking at her curiously* just stuff!

Santana: *chuckles to herself as she makes eye contact with Layla* yeah... what she said! *it wasn't her place to talk about what Layla told her when she made it clear she didn't want her mum finding out about it just yet*

Brittany: alrighty them! *suspects that it's some school or boy drama so she just lets it go for now* so... what movie shall we watch? *looks at Layla then Santana to see if they have any suggestions*

Layla: high school musical? *looks at her mum then to san to see what they think*

Brittany: *smiles at Layla then looks at san* you alright with that babe?

Santana: sure! *Smiles at Brittany*

*for the rest of the night the girls watched all their favourite movies, singing and dancing whenever they felt like it. Which is exactly what they needed after the week they've just had*

*just after 11pm*

*it was way passed Layla's bedtime by the time they were getting to the end of their 4th and final movie of the night. So its no surprise that the younger blonde was passed out on the couch, cuddling in with her dad by the time the credits rolled around*

Sam: *saw the credits start to roll so that's when he stood up with Layla in his arms* good night ladies! I'm gonna tuck Layla into bed then I'm gonna call it a night. *smiles down at the young couple as they say their good nights. Brittany of course, couldn't help but stand up to give Layla one last kiss on the cheek before sam was out of sight*

Brittany: so... bedtime? *turns back to san and was met with a tired smile from the brunette*

Santana: heck yeah! I'm ready for some snuggles! *smiles as Brittany smiles back*

*the young couple pass sam as he's coming down to go to the spare room so they all say goodnight one last time. After that the girls went up to Brittany's bathroom to do their teeth and put their hair up into a messy bun like they always do. Then they do a little bit of skin care after taking their makeup off. This of course was a quicker and more low maintenance version of their usual routine because they were just way to exhausted to be on their feet much longer*

Brittany: *got into bed then held the covers open for san to climb in* come to mama! *smiles to herself for making san laugh and blush a little*

Santana: *playfully shook her head at Brittany* don't make it weird! *cuddles up to Brittany as the blonde wraps her arms round san, giving her a kiss on the head*

Brittany: you know you'll always be my baby... no matter what headspace you're in. *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: *thought for a moment* what about when we have a baby of our own? ...will I have to stop being your actual little baby? *recently started having this fear when she was thinking about her and Britt having a kid of their own*

Brittany: *can see the genuine anxiety of this in sans eyes* no, no, no! You will never have to stop being little. Whether we have 5 kids, or 2! *smiles at san, caressing her cheek to relax the brunette*

Santana: *has a big sigh of relief* good! It's to much a big part of my life and i love our dynamic with it. *smiles as san smiles back, but soon turns somber coz she got into her head* i don't know what id do if you hadn't taken me in and treated me so good from the get go. *smiles weakly, getting flashbacks of the way Derek used to treat her. This understandably brought a tear to her eye*

Brittany: *frowns as she wipes the tear from San's eye* lets not go back there baby! You have come so far and deserve all the happiness in the world. And Ill always be here to make sure that happens for you, I promise! *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: *sniffs then buried her head into Brittany's shoulder, cuddling in as close as humanly possible* thank you! I honestly don't know what I'd do without you!

Brittany: *holds san in her arms, breathing in her scent* anytime baby! I love you so much!

Santana: *was slowly drifting off, with Brittany's warm embrace making her feel safer than ever* I love you too!

*fast forward to around 3am*

Layla: *gets up and goes through to her mums room coz she was having trouble sleeping* mama? *tries to quietly wake her mum up without disturbing the brunette*

Brittany: hey sweetheart! What's wrong? *carefully turns to Layla, removing herself from Santana grip*

Layla: i cant sleep! *fidgets, feeling bad for waking her mum up*

Brittany: come here! *pats the space between her and san, seeing as the brunette rolled over after letting go of Brittany*

*Layla cuddles up to her mum, relaxing instantly*

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