Meet with tanya

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*Brittany actually manages to control herself and give Santana a proper relaxed massage. There was only a little teasing that happened but they both just laughed it off coz Santana kept smacking Brittany's hand away, whenever she would try something*

*its now coming up to 1pm and the girls were both showered dressed and ready for their outing. As always Santana makes sure that she is in her big headspace for meeting with her mum because she isn't quite ready for Tanya to see it all going down in real time* 

*Brittany was currently driving them to the little cafe that Tanya suggested they meet at today. She held hands with Santana the entire way there because she knows that Santana needs the physical touch to keep her nerves at bay. As well as giving her a few glances every now and again to check that she is still ok, or to ask what she was thinking about. Basically just being her usual overprotective self when it comes to her baby girl.*

Brittany: *parks up just outside the cafe and turns to Santana* we're here! *spoke in an enthusiastic singsong kinda way*

Santana: don't go yet! ...i just need a minute! *smiles at Brittany nervously*

Brittany: *gives san a look of sympathy* its ok baby! Take all the time you need! Im right here! *lifts sans hand up and kisses her knuckles then starts to draw light patterns over the back of it to sooth her*

Santana: *rested her head back and lets out a big sigh* why is this so difficult every time!? Ive already met up with her a bunch of times in the last few months. *closes her eyes as she tried to calm her beating heart with some deep breaths*

Brittany: *was still holding sans hand, letting her have a minute* you got this baby! If you get too uncomfortable around her then just tell me and we can go back home. Its your call! *smiles sweetly as san finally opens her eyes and looks back at Brittany*

Santana: promise? *unintentionally gave big puppy dog eyes when asking that*

Brittany: *chuckles at san being so cute without even trying* you know i do baby girl! *smiles as san smiles back more confidently this time*

*after one last kiss, Brittany get out the car and goes round to open Santana's door and gives her a hand out. As soon as the young couple step foot into the little cafe, tanya waves them over*

Tanya: hey! *gives Brittany a side hug then does the same with san* I've already ordered your usual drinks, and i also got a few biscuits for us to nibble on.

Brittany: *pulls out sans chair for her then sits in her own as tanya sits back down too* sounds good! Thanks Tanya! *smiles as tanya smiles back*

Tanya: so, how are you both? Been up to much since we last saw each other? *can see that Santana was still a little shy around her so she just gives her a sweet smile then looks at Brittany*

Brittany: we're doing pretty good! Mostly working but i cant complain coz i get to be with this one the whole time! *lightly nudges sans arm, smiling at her as she smiles back*

Tanya: that sounds like fun! *smiles at the girls interaction*

Brittany: it really is! Until she starts getting a little grouchy with me! *chuckles as san gives the blonde a playful shove*

Santana: i DO not! *glares at Brittany with her arms crossed*

Brittany: *smiles up at tanya* told ya! *laughs as does tanya*

Santana: *playfully rolls her eyes* you are such a wind up blondie! *playfully glares at Brittany as the blonde chuckles. Brittany leans over to give san a kiss on the cheek, knowing that she cant stay mad at her for long.*

*just then the waitress comes over with their drinks and little bite size cakes Tanya ordered for them*

Tanya: *thanks the woman then turns her attention back to the young couple in front of her* san, would you like first pick at a cake? *pushes the plate closer to the younger brunette*

Santana: *smiles at Tanya* ok! *takes a minute to look at her options then she settles on the chocolate brownie*

*after they had finished their drinks and cakes, they all went back to talking and laughing together. Fortunately Santana was also a lot more relaxed than she has ever been around Tanya. So of course Brittany and Tanya smile at one another about that like they can read each others mind*

*Brittanys attention was brought out of the conversation between the women because her phone started to buzz*

Brittany: *looks at her phone* shoot *mutters under her voice as all these scenarios go through her mind about Layla being in danger or something*

Santana: *heard Brittany mumbling to herself and when san looks at her she could see the worry on the blondes face* whats wrong babe? ...who phoned you? *places her hand on Brittany's thigh to comfort her*

Brittany: *looks up from her phone to see the worried looks she is getting from tanya and Santana* it was Layla's school! ...are you alright if i step outside to call them back? *looks for any signs of uncertainty from the younger brunette*

Santana: yeah, of course! *put on a brave face coz she could see that this wasn't just any call. Layla never has any issues to the point where Brittany is called by the school*

Brittany: in wont be long, i promise! *leans in a gives san a kiss on the cheek before she gets up and heads out the front entrance and onto the street just outside the cafe window where Santana can still see her*

*for the next 10-20 minutes or so, Santana would keep checking on Brittany. She was a little worried about how Brittany was kinda pacing back and forth with her hands in her hair, the way she does whenever she is really stressed or angry about something or someone*

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