10. Scarecrow Wannabe

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↳ chapter ten ₊˚

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↳ chapter ten ₊˚.༄
[# scarecrow wannabe]

PEOPLE IN AMERICA USUALLY DID SPRING CLEANING, BUT IN IVY'S HOUSEHOLD, it was always new years cleaning. The entire day would be dedicated to making the house look spotless, every shelf dusted, every room reorganized, every drawer decluttered. She would even go out of her way and wash her rug.

     Her brother, Mason, also joined them, through FaceTime, at least. His phone was propped up near the door and Ivy could see him folding his clothes through the screen. She kept on making snide remarks about the fact he wasn't here to clean his own room and Ivy had been tasked to do it while their mother did an extreme deep cleaning of their storage room and garage.

     "So, how's your vigilante career going?" Mason asked, now moving around his dorm with a broom and dustpan.

      "Vigilante career?" Ivy repeated, scoffing at him. "It's not even a career, bro. Or a side job. If it was, I'd be getting paid more than a cops yearly salary by now." The dark haired girl picked up a stray box of knick knacks her brother used to use to make his action figures, a plastic bag full of other unused items in her other hand. "You still need this trash?"

     "Hey, don't you dare throw that out." Mason warned, pointing a finger at the camera. "Or else I'm not helping you on your suit upgrades."

     "Hey," Ivy dragged out, playfully pouting her lips. "You're the one that does all the computer stuff. You need to help me,"

     "Didn't remember ever agreeing to be your guy in the chair," Mason muttered.

     Ivy rolled her eyes, picking up her phone and closing her brother's room. "It's by default. Now, thank me for cleaning your room."


     The call ended in less than five seconds after his response. She stuffed her phone into her back pocket and went down to the kitchen, her last place to clean. Ivy grabbed the spray bottle filled with a mixture of dish soap and water her mother always made. Clearing the counter and putting the dirty dishes in the sink, she started spraying the surface before wiping it down with a cloth. Organizing was something she could get by, something she enjoyed doing. But a full deep cleaning wasn't.

     A list had been left on the fridge, stuck by a magnet they had gotten from Japan. And on that list was everything Ivy needed to clean in the kitchen. Including the stove and oven. Two things she was not looking forward to.

     "You can do it, Ivy!" she lightly cheered herself before looking back at the stained stove top. "Or not,"

     She eventually resorted to playing music on her headphones so her grueling task would be far easier, Ichiko Aoba's latest album playing lightly. She couldn't remember how long it took for her to reorganize all the cupboards and drawers, as well as the pantry, but by the time she had finished her mom had been calling her name more than five times.

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