04. Late Night Talking

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↳ chapter four ₊˚

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↳ chapter four ₊˚.༄
[# late night talking]

          EVERYONE FELT THE WORRY AND TENSION THAT STARTED TO BLEED THROUGH the air as silence fell over the group, an unvocalised question echoing through their minds. Who's gonna check on Miles?

"So how are we gonna destroy the collider?" Spider-Noir asked instead, looking among the three who had come along with the boy.

Peter brought out the goober Aunt May had given back to him, showing it to the rest of the group. "We need to plug this goober into the control panel hidden in one of the ceiling tiles. It's obviously broken—"

"I can fix it!" Peni suddenly volunteers, raising her hand high "With the help of my buddy, of course." she added, gesturing to her robot friend.

Peter smiled gratefully at the girl. "That'd be great, Peni."

"Then what's next?" Ivy inquired, raising a brow.

"You guys should take one step at a time, rushing won't give you the best results." Aunt May advised.

Gwen nodded. "Aunt May's right. We should discuss the rest of the plan once Peni's finished fixing the goober."

Everyone nodded in agreement, finding themselves too tired or too clueless to suggest a different idea. Ivy, for one, felt ready to pass out of exhaustion. It wasn't because the day had taken its toll on her, it was because her mind had a rush of thoughts that made everything far too loud in the silence.

"Hey, what time is it?" the dark haired girl whispered to Spider-Noir, who was conveniently (or inconveniently) close by.

Though it was hard to read his expression through his mask, the shrug he gave her was enough of an answer. "Don't have a watch with me."

"It's nearly midnight, kids." Aunt May informed them softly. "Why don't you all rest after an eventful day?"

Everyone glanced at each other, as if asking how they would break the news to the lovely lady. "We have nowhere to go." they all said in sync.

Ivy thought for a second before adding, "Half-truth, me and Gwen have our dorm, so—"

"That's too risky," the blonde immediately turned her down, handing out the answer she anticipated. "Who knows if Kingpin had sent henchmen to search for us after today."

"You guys can stay here," lovely Aunt May suggested. "It's okay with me."

• ────── ✾ ────── •

Midnight had become Ivy's afternoon ever since she started her career as a masked vigilante. After school she always found herself stumbling upon a petty crime scene done by horrible robbers who didn't know a thing or two about keeping quiet. During the beginning stages, she'd ignore them. Cops will deal with them, she told herself over and over.

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