03. Spider Gang

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↳ chapter three ₊˚

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↳ chapter three ₊˚.༄
[# spider gang]

          IVY AND GWEN INSPECTED THE BROKEN OVERRIDE KEY, THE TWO GIRLS sitting beside each other while Miles sat across from them. Other spider guy, who she now knew as Peter, laid down a few rows behind. Thankfully, the bus wasn't crowded with people so nobody got to question the four people in spiderman-esque suits.

     "You're sure he broke this?" Ivy questioned.

     Miles nodded, sticking with his lie. "Yeah, he's actually really embarrassed about it, so just keep it between us, okay?"

     Light laughter filled the back of the bus and the dark haired girl passed the key over to the blonde beside her. "I know where we can make a new one." Gwen told him. "And we won't let him break it this time."

     "I'm sorry about your friend," Miles' lighthearted look fell and one of sympathy took over his features.

     "Thanks, Miles." Gwen said with a small smile.

     "And I'm sorry about your grandma, Ivy."

     Ivy's eyes widened and the corners of her lips tugged upwards at the younger boy's thoughtfulness. "Thank you, even though you have nothing to be sorry for. ...I know it's hard going through this, especially on your own. But it's been nice having a few Spider-people around." she smiled, looking between Gwen and Miles.

     "Yeah..." he agreed. "If you two ever decide to do friends again, I could always open up a slot."

     Ivy nodded. "That's really nice, Miles."

     "I'll keep you posted." Gwen said as she kept her head down.


     By the time the group had arrived at Aunt May's, dusk had already settled. The house was akin to every other one in the area, like most American neighborhoods (Ivy never understood why they were like that). The outside walls were painted a light green and the door had an oval window that she loved in houses.

     Gifts were laid out across the lawn, ranging from hand drawn portraits, bouquets, and even merch. Red candles burned softly around, the entire thing acting as a small memorial to remember this universe's Spiderman by.

     Peter rang the doorbell with his web, standing anxiously. "We should probably go,"

     "Peter, we're literally on the doorstep." Gwen reminded him.

     Shaking his head, the brunette started to walk away. "Bad idea, bad idea, this is a bad idea— woah."

     Ivy had yanked him back with her web, muttering short complaints at his insistence on turning away. Through the window, a figure with short hair could be seen unlocking the door, saying, "You guys are all very sweet, but no more fans today, please." When the door was fully open, the old lady gasped and her eyes widened. The bat she held fell out of her grasp and rolled down the short steps.

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