09. New Years Gone Wrong

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↳ chapter nine ₊˚

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↳ chapter nine ₊˚.༄
[# new years gone wrong]

PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL PARTIES AS IF THEY WERE A CELEBRITY GET together. Left and right, you'd hear someone talk about Max's party or Emma's, and how three couples broke up on the same night those parties were hosted because some boy's Ivy's age just couldn't keep it in their pants. Ivy had always avoided any big gathering with her classmates, mostly because it was just an excuse for students to get high, drink, and makeout without the fear of judgement.

     So why, one might ask, was Ivy rummaging through her brother's closet for a black leather jacket he may or may not have left home, with the intention of dressing for a party. Simple, Natty asked her to go.

     "Please, Ivoryyy." Natty fluttered her lashes at her, lips pouted.

They had just left the theaters after watching the latest Christmas rom-com and were walking home, the cool air of the night accompanying them. Multiple signs read 'Happy New Years!' and on every other TV, a live countdown would be displayed.

     Ivy pinched the bridge of her nose, thinking about all the cons that would come if she agreed on going to the popular kids' new years party. The entire place would be crowded, loud, bright, and so not her vibe. Oh, but Natty wanted to go so badly... just to see her crush.

     "Fine," the ballerina agreed reluctantly before immediately receiving a bone crushing hug from her best friend.

     Now, four hours later, Ivy started to think spending the new years traditionally with her mom wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Because in the cold, winter night of New York city, all she thought about was how sad her mother must've felt, her only daughter going off to a party, her only son spending he new years all alone in a different country because of the lack of money he needed to go back home.

     "Hey," her best friend snapped her fingers, bringing Ivy out of her thoughts. "Stop looking so down, it's almost the new year! Fireworks are gonna go off, the night will be incredible, and it'll be a fresh start. And, who knows, someone might kiss you."

     Ivy snorted. "Yeah, and that someone is the jock that just so happened to be attracted to an 'asian chick that looks like the girl from Kill Bill'" the dark haired girl rolled her eyes. "As if me and Chiaki Kuriyama even look alike,"

     "V, stop, you're gonna ruin the night for yourself." Natty scolded her as they neared the hosts' house, sounds of chatter and music becoming clearer by each step. "See this party as your brand new start."

     "Brand new start in ruining my life,"

     The party was far more packed than Ivy expected, from the moment she stepped in she was bombarded with bodies bumping into each other, clusters of people sitting by their designated spaces. The TV displayed a countdown to midnight, which was forty minutes away. The stairs were littered with teens sitting by the steps, every table filled with drinks and food, and a DJ standing by, adjusting the music and lights of the room.

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