16. Mumbattan Struggles

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↳ chapter sixteen ₊˚

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↳ chapter sixteen ₊˚.༄
[# mumbattan struggles]

THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOUT HOBIE BROWN THAT MADE IVY FEEL AT HOME, even though she was away from it. Perhaps it was thanks to the numerous times she had drawn similarities between him and her own brother, or maybe it was because he held no specific judgment upon anything other than what he tells you. 

His flat wasn't decorated to appeal to guests, rather to show them who they're really talking to; a punk lover who's so straightforward sometimes you couldn't decide if he was being serious or not. His walls were covered with posters of bands and singers foreign to her, sheets of music splayed across the top of a drawer, and an impressive collection of guitars.

Ivy sat with her legs crossed on the kitchen counter while Hobie walked back and forth, busying himself with something in his hands as he told her a story from his recent mission. A lukewarm cup of tea was held between her hands, being careful to not drink whenever she felt herself bubbling with laughter. 

"Thanks for inviting me again," Ivy smiled as she slid down the counter, heading toward the sink to place her dirty cup.

Hobie merely shrugged, taking another piece of wire from his box of knick knacks. He had finally decided to sit down instead of running around his flat like a mad scientist would around his lab. "No problem, can't go too long without a cup of tea with my pianist."

Ivy chuckled at him, taking a seat beside the man. She peered over at his work in progress, catching his eye before lifting a brow. "Pianists aren't really required for a band, you know?"

"'Course I know, but that just makes it better, innit?"

It seemed as though he took her unusual silence as a sign to worry about, turning his head to catch the far off look in her eyes. "Ah, what's wrong, Ivory?"

The dark haired girl's eyes widened, slumping her shoulders at the knowing look he shot her way. Sighing, she rested her elbows on the table. "You know, you're the only person that calls me that. Everyone else just says Ivy,"

"Well, Ivory is one pretty name." Hobie mentions, nudging her elbow. "You didn't answer my question yet,"

Ivy huffed at him, rolling her eyes as she playfully glared at him. "Always so straightforward, aren't you?" Hobie kept his expression still. Guess she couldn't get out of this confrontation. "Me and Gwen haven't talked in a week," she blurted.

Hobie's head perked up, his features contorting into worry and surprise. "Woah, what happened? Gwen didn't tell me this. Did you guys have a fight or—"

Ivy waved her hands in denial, crossing them to make and X as she shook her head furiously. "Not at all. We didn't even argue or anything like that. We—" The girl suddenly stopped in her tracks, looking around the room as if someone might've been eavesdropping.

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