12. The Mess™

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↳ chapter twelve ₊˚

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↳ chapter twelve ₊˚.༄
[# the mess™]

IF YOU ASKED IVY WHY SHE HAD SPENT HER ENTIRE AFTERNOON at the spider society (that's what she'd been calling it), her honest answer would've been 'I don't know'. It was never in her nature to be spontaneous, to do things without a plan because her mind would've been reeling in confusion, and confusion only led to frustration.

But the moment she stumbled across Peter Parker— the Peter Parker who was one of the few people who found themselves in the wrong universe one year ago— with a baby on his chest, she couldn't help but gape at the pair, the baby trying her best to get out of her fathers reach.

"Oh my..." Ivy blinked, her voice catching his attention despite the constant crowd of spider-people and chatter. "Is that a baby?"

"Ivy!" The man hugged her in the middle of the pathway. Nobody ever paid anyone any mind, which was a nice rule everyone silently agreed on, though it didn't stop her over conscious self from creating doubts. He pulled her in using one arm while the other desperately tried to hold the child still. "You got in here, too?"

"Yeah, apparently." she shrugged, patting a small part of his back.

In all honesty, she was glad to see him. With all the longing and yearning she'd been feeling the past year, having him beside her, actually beside her, alive and well, made a rush of happiness fill her body.

Peter pulled away with a big grin on his face, as if he'd been waiting his whole life for the time they'd meet again. "How've you been, kiddo?"

Ivy looked away in thought. "It's been good, you know. Applying to a few ballet academies, studying hard." A sigh of disbelief left her lips as she ran a hand through her hair. "I'm almost a college kid, can you believe that?"

Peter chuckled at her expression, placing his baby into the carrier on his chest. "You're not growing too fast, don't worry. Oh, I almost forgot. Ivy, this is Mayday. Say hi Mayday!"

The red-headed baby giggled as it reached out for Ivy's hair, tugging her slightly. Ivy couldn't help but grin, too. She let out a small squeal before softly squishing Mayday's cheeks. "She's so cute. I assume you got back together with MJ, then?"

"Yeah, it worked out, thankfully."

A smile spread across her face. "I'm happy for you." Ivy patted his shoulder before a thought came to mind. "Do you know if anyone else we know is here?"

Peter nodded. "Oh, definitely. There's Spider-Noir, Peter Porker, and Peni. Though, I do have to warn you about her."

"Why?" the dark haired girl frowned, wondering what could've happened to the shorter Japanese girl. "What happened with Peni?"

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