13. Like a Fool

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↳ chapter thirteen ₊˚

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↳ chapter thirteen ₊˚.༄
[# like a fool]

IVY AND PAVITR HAD BEEN WALKING AROUND HQ FOR A GOOD TEN MINUTES before they broke into their daily disagreements. It was nothing serious, of course. Just one out of the two friends decided to lack brain cells upon a certain topic, and today it seemed that topic was ballet.

The two teens became fast friends after Hobie introduced them to each other, which Ivy found surprising, given her lack of luck in making friends. Their usual routine was stumbling across each other at headquarters, getting paired up to collect anomalies, and talk until their heart's content before eventually parting ways for the day.

The three of them became a natural trio, gravitating towards each other in crowds. Ivy found out it was very easy for her to talk to Pavitr. He may be an active talker, but he never missed a word when listening to her constant rants throughout their time spent. And it was really nice.

But what wasn't nice was how Pavitr decided his assumptions upon ballet made more sense then the thirteen years of practice Ivy had in the sport.

"Pav, that's not how it works." Ivy was saying as they walked along the many paths that led all around HQ.

"It is totally how it works!" He pushed.

The younger boy had reasoned with her how, if pointe shoes had been made out of wood instead of hard paper, surely they wouldn't break as much ("Yeah, and instead your feet and back would break. Not really something I'd trade up." Ivy had stated).

The dark haired girl sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She couldn't believe they'd ended up friends. "If you keep being an idiot like this, I'll go back to calling you Pavlova."

But Pavitr wasn't listening to her empty threats. Instead, he was fixed on something over Ivy's shoulder. "Why's that blonde girl staring at you?"


The long haired girl followed his line of sight and caught her breath.

She must be dreaming, because standing besides Hobie Brown couldn't be Gwen Stacy. The same blonde that would linger in the back of her mind in every crowded room, the person who made her feel safe enough to let parts of her walls she had built up throughout the years down in five days. It couldn't be the same girl that made her heart skip a beat at the mere thought of her.

No. It couldn't be her.

But in a heartbeat, she felt her arms wrap around her waist, pulling Ivy in. Gwen buried her head in her shoulder, the blonde's breath tickling against the skin of her neck. Her heart fluttered and her cheeks grew warm. A wide grin threatened to break loose on her face, and she might just let it.

The two stood like that for a minute, with Ivy cautiously holding her back, afraid that it would all be a dream, a very vivid one at that.

"You're real, right?" Ivy whispered.

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