05. What a Killjoy

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↳ chapter five ₊˚

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↳ chapter five ₊˚.༄
[# what a killjoy]

          IVY WAS NEVER ONE FOR PUZZLE GAMES, ALWAYS TOO CLUELESS OR unmotivated to finish any. So, as much as she wanted to laugh at the many failed attempts Spider-Noir had made to solve and practically guess the Rubik's cube, she kept her amusement under wraps.

"This is... purple?" The man tried again.

Peter Porker shook his head. "No,"



Peni walked— no, rolled into the room with her shoe skates and handed Peter the goober, which was conveniently attached to a piece of string like a necklace. 

"Has anyone heard from Miles?"

"Look, he's just clearing his head. I know the kid. He's got what it takes." Although Peter kept convincing the rest of his group that his claim was right, nobody showed any signs of agreement as they stared at him, heavy judgment in their gazes. "I bet you he's gonna come back through that door, recharged and ready to fight."

The sudden burst of the door caught everyone's attention and Miles rushed in, definitely not recharged or ready to fight. "My uncle," he panted

"Hey, where have you been?"

"My uncle Aaron, he's the Prowler." the panicked boy continued, ignoring Peter's request to slow down. "He works for Kingpin. He tried to kill me!"

The rest of the group gaped at him, as if someone had copy-pasted a shocked expression on to all of their features. Ivy covered her mouth before any flies could've gotten in.

"This is a pretty hard-core origin story." Spider-Noir commented, receiving a quick slap on the arm from Peni.

"It's okay, it's okay." Peter assured. "We're gonna figure it out."

"Were you followed?" Gwen questioned as she stepped forward.

"No, I don't— I don't think so."

Miles' half-certain answer was proven incorrect as Ivy's senses picked up on the disturbance surrounding them, eyes wary as she scanned the room. Then, the door shuddered. The handle kept on jingling and Ivy pulled up her mask just in time before the doorbell rang, a small warning before the door burst open. A mechanical tentacle shot through the room and flipped over the tray Aunt May was carrying (thankfully, nothing broke).

"Cute place, real homey." Doc Ock said as she scanned the room in false admiration.

"Oh great, it's Liv." Aunt May voiced sarcastically, though her face was much less amused.

"I... guess I was followed." Miles whispered.

A small mumble came from Gwen. "Oh, no."

"Miles, run." Ivy urged, motioning him to go through the back door.

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