11. Ivy Joins a Cult

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↳ chapter eleven ₊˚

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↳ chapter eleven ₊˚.༄
[# ivy joins a cult]

          IT HAD BEEN A WHILE SINCE IVY WAS SUCKED INTO A PORTAL THAT LED her to an entirely different universe. This time it was mildly better, by the end of the journey she didn't end up face first on the concrete, so that was an improvement.

She landed on her two feet perfectly, Miguel already next to her. By the looks of it they were in an elevator going... down? Oh, they were going up, just upside down.

Her eyes widened and beneath her mask, her jaw had dropped. She took off her mask, taking in the city and all its glory. Everything was so clean, from the fields of grass between every road, the buildings, and how each structure was designed. It all felt very futuristic, much like the wristband that sat on her right arm

The elevator door beside her clicked open, burning the outline of a spider in red. Ivy shut her mouth closed before any flies could've gotten in. 

"This is the Headquarters, where we gather and work together to return anomalies to their original worlds." Miguel introduced briefly as they stepped out of the elevator.

Left and right, top and bottom, there were Spider-people everywhere, and the number didn't seem to be decreasing any time soon. There were at least hundreds of corridors on every single floor, and the clearing revealed dozens of walkways that connected every floor. Ivy could only awe. "Oh my... I never actually thought that there'd be this many Spider-people..."

Miguel handed the caged Scarecrow to a random spider, stating that he'd be put with the others. Ivy requested a small tour from the man, reminding him again that she really needed to be on time for her best friend's birthday party. The man reluctantly agreed, but stated all he would be doing was briefly explaining how things work. She could explore the rest on her own.

The pair passed by many people, some appearing as if they had been plucked right out of a comic book or 3D video game. Other's looked normal, some had animal companions or were literally animals (note to self, never make the dino-spider mad).

People were chatting amongst themselves, some were given orders to take care of anomalies from various earths, some had just returned from dealing with a misplaced Doc Oct, and some were called for backup.

The system was simple enough to understand. Help put anomalies back, work together to avoid collapsing the multiverse, and don't disrupt the canon. Now, she hadn't entirely understood what the canon meant, but she'd present her inquiries at a better time, and to someone who was more willing to listen then a werewolf spider who practically ran the elite strike force.

A digital hologram of a woman appeared beside Miguel and introduced herself as Lyla. They had reached the section of caged anomalies and Lyla explained about how each villain found themselves stranded in a universe that was not their own. A 'Go Home' machine (such a clever name) would detect which universe they had come from and send them back home safely. 

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