14. Isn't It Delicate?

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↳ chapter fourteen ₊˚

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↳ chapter fourteen ₊˚.༄
[# isn't it delicate?]

ALTHOUGH THE TWO GIRLS HAVE GROWN CLOSER AS THE WEEKS went by, Ivy didn't know they had been in the sneaking-in-through-windows stage. The two girls had a year to make up for, a year where they could've been best friends, a year where they could've played in bands together.

But they glossed over what they lost, both not wishing to think about the times where they always felt out of place because they weren't with each other anymore.

Gwen had opened up about her father and their inevitable falling out. Ivy's heart ached as the girl became vulnerable to her one night, a night where she had far too much on her mind. Ever since then Ivy always offered her place as a small sanctuary for the blonde whenever she needed a place to rest and rewind.

That only left her turn to share her secrets. But she wasn't ready for that. So they spent most of their time together in her universe, or in Hobie or Pav's, where the recently formed group of friends would waste their time away with each other.

Though on that particular spring day, Gwen decided to visit with a more peculiar method. Ivy's long hair was clipped back and her headphones were on full volume (her mom won't scold her, how would she know how loud her music was?). Her suit was left discarded on the floor after a particularly grueling fight that left most of her muscles sore and tired.

Another annoyed sigh left her lips when she glanced at her calendar, the two bright pink dates titled 'EXAM' laughing at her face. It didn't, by any means, mean that she was a lazy student. She would argue she had the most stable grades in her class. It's just that... nobody wanted to study for an exam.

She wheeled her chair around to face a shelf dedicated to school, where she kept most of her books and binders at. Taking the notebook dedicated to studying and revisions, she flipped open to an empty page and grabbed a pen from her desk.

But when she turned around and faced her window, Gwen Stacy was the last thing she expected to see. With a small yelp, she grabbed a fake plant and hurled it toward the open window.

Gwen Stacy, being Gwen Stacy, failed to dodge it by a few centimeters. Thankfully, she caught it before it could get lost in the streets and ducked her head just in case anything else was fired her way.

Ivy blinked once, twice, before the initial shock dissipated and worry took its place. "Gwen!" she clamped a hand over her mouth before rushing over. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

The blonde waved her off, slowly rubbing her shoulder. "'S'fine dove, not the worst thing I've been hit with."

"Why are you—" Ivy halted, a sudden realization crossing her mind. "What did you just call me?"

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