Hello Awa'atlu Academy

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First day of school and we might already be late because of Lo'ak, perfect. As I finished packing Tuk's lunch and double checking mine and Kiri's bag, Lo'ak finally decided to come down.

"Lo'ak come here and get your lunch."

"What is it?"

"Just a sandwich, and I EXPECT you to eat it"

Lo'ak just groaned and put his sandwich in his bag. I checked his bag to make sure it had everything, and surprisingly it did. I checked my phone to see the time. 8:45am, it read, oh, ok. Wait...8:45AM???


After a quick goodbye hug and kiss to ma, we sped to my car. A grey jeep, I got it a few weeks after I got my driver's license, as an early Christmas gift from ma and pa. Once we got in my car, we started driving and Lo'ak was playing his awful music again, Kiri was in the back probably watching tiktok. I followed the GPS to our new school.

"You have arrived at your destination" The GPS said.

I looked to our right, and wow. It looked like a school for rich kids. Oh Eywa, how are we going to fit in with these rich kids? I parked the car and we all exited, and Awa'atlu Academy was for sure huge. Bigger than the pictures for sure. I looked at Lo'ak, who had his mouth open and was amazed by how huge the school was. I couldn't blame him; it was like double or even triple our old school size. I looked around, kids of different ages all walked to the building. I dragged a bored Kiri and amazed Lo'ak to the building with me. As we entered, heads turned our way. Not gonna lie it made me a little uncomfortable, everyone's eyes followed us as we made our way to the front office.

A bell rang as we entered. I assume that was the start of school bell. Looks like we're gonna be late. I made my way to the front desk with Kiri and Lo'ak following me from behind. The lady at the counter looked up when she felt a presence infront of her.

"Oh Hello! Do you need something?"

"Uh, yes hi. Uhm. My name's Neteyam Sully, and these are my siblings Kiri and Lo'ak Sully. We're new to the school so we're wondering if we could get our timetables?"

"Oh right! I forgot new students were coming today. Give me a minute, I need to go get your tour guide!" She suddenly got up from her seat and went to this microphone looking thing, which I assumed was the intercom mic.

"Good morning Awa'atlu Academy! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Would Tsireya Te Met'kayi please come to the front office! Thank you."

She came back to her seat and typed something on her computer, muttering under her breath. The lady left to go get our timetables and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back to see Kiri pointing at Lo'ak, who was staring at this pretty girl. The girl was a bit shorter than Lo'ak, long curly black hair, tan skin, freckles and beautiful blue eyes like the ocean. She looked about the age of Lo'ak, I nudged at him with a playful smirk, and he just glared at me, going right back to staring at her.

"Ok, here are your timetables. And a note is on each one of them explaining why you were late! Oh, Tsireya dear over here!"

The pretty girl, whom I think is Tsireya, looks over to us with a huge smile. She speed walks over to us and gives us a little wave.

"Hi! My names Tsireya. I'm assuming you're the new kids I'm touring right?"

"Uh yeah. My names Neteyam, and these are my siblings, Kiri and Lo'ak"

"Nice to meet you guys!"

"Uh hey." Lo'ak says out of nowhere. Tsireya starts giggling and I just roll my eyes. Looks like Lo'ak already pulled a girl within the first hour of our new school. We exit the office and Tsireya asks to see our timetables. She says we're gonna go bring Kiri first since Kiri is the closest to where we were now. Tsireya and I chatted during the walk while Lo'ak and Kiri were looking around.

"Here we are! Inside you'll meet Mr. Norm! He's really nice and even has a class fish tank! Well, enjoy your first-class Kiri! Oh wait! Before I forget, once class finishes and it's the first break, stay at your class. I'll get either me, my brother or my cousin to get you! Then we can show you around the school. Sound good?"

"That's fine"


"All good with me"

"Great! See ya Kiri. Neteyam, your class is just down the hall, just make a left at the first left corridor you see and find the class '3A.' Ok?"

"All right then"

"Oki dokes! I'll bring Lo'ak to our class since he's in the same class as me. See you later Neteyam!"

"Bye Tsireya! Bye Lo'ak"

Ok, I can do this, just go to the first left corridor and find class 3A. Couldn't be that hard right?

I continued walking down the hall and turned left. I looked around for anything that said 3A and saw a sign that said '3A.' I knocked on the door and it opened, revealing a tall woman, the same curly hair as Tsireya. Actually, the teacher looked a lot like Tsireya in a way.

"You must be Neteyam. Come in, come in."

I entered the room and about 30 pairs of eyes landed on me. My gaze swept across the room until it landed on this one boy. Long curly hair, also like Tsireya's, deep blue eyes, muscular, looked tall, freckles, and a little mole on top of his upper lip. He was staring at me before he broke out into a smirk.

"I'm Mrs. Ronal, wife of the principal. Neteyam you can sit at the back, next to my son Aonung. Aonung, raise your hand please."

The boy who was smirking slowly put his hand up. Mrs. Ronal ushered me to go sit. I reluctantly went and sat next to the boy, who was already looking at me.

"So, Neteyam huh?"

"Yes, you are Aonung?"

"Yup, so. What made you move to Awa'atlu Academy?"

"Oh, my dad got a new job, so we moved here."

"Oh nice, and what school did you originally go to?"

"Omaticaya High."

"Ohhh so you went to that forest school?"

"Forest school?"

"Yea, since y'know, your school is right infront of a forest? Forest school."



Me and Aonung talked the entire time, completely forgetting about the teacher, or his mother. The bell for the end of class rang and everyone started getting up from their seats.

"Aren't you coming forest boy?"

"No, I have to wait here for Tsireya's brother or cousin to pick me up."

"Dummy, I AM Tsireya's brother, I'm bringing you with me. Now get up I need food."

"Wait, YOU'RE Tsireya's brother? Makes sense on why you 2 look so similar, does that mean Mrs. Ronal and the principal are your parents?"

"Yup, now cmon forest boy. Don't wanna be late to the cafeteria, do we?"

He started walking out the door, calling me to hurry up. But the main thing that was on my mind was...

That smile of his




Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please keep in mind if I post chapters slowly, it's because I have finals coming up and chapters can take really long to write! But thank you for reading the first chapter! Comments are always appreciated <3

Anyways, see ya at the next chapter my loves! ~ 1265 Words


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