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**Before we move on, I just wanted to say that I've decided to age them up by 2 years, so Neteyam and Ao'nung would be graduating soon etc**

Third Person:

Neteyam was walking down the hallway, softly humming a simple tune. He was in a good mood. He turned the corner to see Ao'nung talking with some of his friends. Neteyam quickly rushed back around the corner and peeked around, trying to see what they were talking about.

Neteyam couldn't hear anything though, they were too far away. So, he just left his spot and continued walking to his locker, which was near the group. Ao'nung noticed the older Sully, so he bid a simple goodbye and rushed over next to Neteyam. Leaning against the locker and crossing his arms, he tried to impress the Sully boy, but Neteyam just closed his locker, looked him up and down and chuckled to himself.

"What do you need Ao'nung?" Neteyam asked.

"Am I not allowed to see my bestest friend ever?" Ao'nung asked with a hint of mischief in his voice, showing his usual smirk.

"No, you're not. Do you need something?"

Ao'nung flicked the Sully's ear and laughed. Grabbing Neteyam's chin in one swift movement, their faces were inches apart. Neteyam let out a soft gasp, looking into Ao'nung's eyes. The metkayina boy just smirked, not caring that everyone was staring at them, the girls looking livid while the boys were just smirking, thinking Ao'nung was still playing Neteyam.

"Want to go to the graduation ball with me Neteyam?" Ao'nung whispered, not breaking eye contact. Neteyam completely forgot about the ball, their exams were done, but the ball had slipped Neteyam's mind. Neteyam's eyes shone with uncertainty, Ao'nung could see it. He let Neteyam go and grabbed his hand instead, caressing it with his thumb. Neteyam's heart sped up at the caresses, still looking into Ao'nung's eyes as Ao'nung came closer and place a small peck on Neteyam's forehead.

"You don't have to say yes straight away, I get you don't trust me right now."

Neteyam's eyes became softer, pitying the taller boy. Neteyam grabbed Ao'nung's shoulder while giving a small smile.

"I'll give my answer by tomorrow if that's okay?"



Neteyam pulled his hand from Ao'nungs shoulder, but not from Ao'nungs hand. Neteyam felt comfortable with the caresses Ao'nung was giving. Ao'nung let go of Neteyams hand since Neteyam pulled his hand back. Neteyam immediately missed the warmth on his hand.

"See ya Neteyam."


Ao'nung turned around and headed to the locker rooms, getting changed for basketball. Ao'nung's mind was running with thoughts, what if Neteyam said no? What if Neteyam got asked by Ta'chi and he said yes? Countless 'what ifs' filled Ao'nung's mind. At that moment, Ta'chi entered the locker rooms aswell. The two were on the same basketball team. Ta'chi saw Ao'nung and immediately walked over to him, pinning him on the lockers.

"Man, what the fuck?!" Ao'nung shouted. He met Ta'chi's fiery gaze, a gaze of hatred.

"What the fuck did you do to Neteyam?" Ta'chi asked, his voice laced with anger. Ao'nung looked at Ta'chi like he was crazy. Who the hell was he to ask about their business?

"Why the hell do you want to know?"

"Because a few days ago, I found him walking in the rain, crying because of your stupid ass. So let me ask again, what did you do?"

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