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Third Person:

Ao'nung was looking over Neteyam's shoulder during math, trying to get a glimpse on Neteyam's test. Neteyam felt the lingering presence on his shoulder and turned around, seeing Ao'nung peering over. Neteyam glared at the metkayina, who pouted and looked back down at his test, too ashamed to look at Neteyam again.

Neteyam turned around, focusing on his test again. Not realizing Ao'nung was looking at his test again, Neteyam continued as usual. Yet, he felt another gaze on him, this one coming from his left side.

It burned a hole in Neteyam's head, the gaze was like a lazer on fire being directed to him. He gave a brief glance to his left, noticing him. Ta'chi. Ta'chi was scowling, not at Neteyam, but at the cheating boy behind Neteyam.

Neteyam didn't realize it though, instead, he gave a small smile and a little wave to Ta'chi. With his gaze back on Neteyam, Ta'chi returned the smile and wave, making eye contact with Ao'nung as he waved back.

Ao'nung full on death stared Ta'chi, anger rising as he watched Ta'chi smile at his Neteyam. How dare he do that while Ao'nung was watching? The metkayina knew Ta'chi was trying to provoke him, so he didn't give in. But he was very much tempted to rip that sly smirk on Ta'chi's face.

Neteyam, being completely oblivious as usual, focused on his test. Yet, his other classmates could feel the tension rise in between the two scowling boys. It was so thick you could slice a butter knife through it. Ms. De Loughry sensed the tension and hushed the class, which was starting to whisper at the tension between the boys.

"Ao'nung, Ta'chi, please follow me outside."

The two boys quickly got up, still scowling, and glaring at each other. Neteyam finally looked up from his test, watching his ex and potential lover walk out of the classroom. Once the two boys left, the tension left, leaving a deafening silence.

The class quieted down as they all continued the test, except Neteyam. Neteyam finished his test when the two boys left the room. So, all on his mind right now was what was going on out there. Neteyam knew the two hated each other to the core, hell, they wouldn't care if a teacher was watching, they would fight right there and then.

A few minutes went by before Ao'nung and Ta'chi finally arrived, sitting down in their seats, continuing the test. Neteyam cast a curious glance at Ao'nung, who was just looking down at his test, saying silent and not even looking at Neteyam.

The Sully boy immediately knew something was wrong. He shifted his gaze to Ta'chi, who was doing the same as Ao'nung. Neteyam waited until the bell to go ask Ta'chi what was up since he thought Ao'nung might need some space.

The bell rang for the next class and Neteyam chased Ta'chi down. Neteyam finally caught up to the taller boy, panting loudly while Ta'chi stood there, looking at him. Neteyam looked up at Ta'chi, Ta'chi doing the same. The two stood there, looking into eachother's eyes.

Ta'chi felt butterflies, his face heating up as Neteyam stared at him. As for Neteyam, Neteyam didn't feel anything. Not the slightest hint of admiration. Neteyam thought that Ta'chi would be a potential lover, someone who would distract him from Ao'nung, but no. Neteyam felt nothing for him.

Ao'nung watched the two, his fury boiling past boiling point. He wanted to pull Neteyam away and beat Ta'chi up for looking at HIS lover like that. And he did just that. He walked up to the two of them and pulled Neteyam away, muttering a stupid excuse before dragging Neteyam to an empty classroom. Ta'chi stood there, glaring at Ao'nung for taking his potential lover away.

Neteyam tried to pull out of Ao'nung's grip, but the taller boy was too strong, an irong grip keeping Neteyam in place. They, I mean he, made their way to the empty classroom. As soon as they entered, Ao'nung locked the door and finally let Neteyam go, who was looking at him with an annoyed expression.

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