The Plan

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Ta'chi but in third person:

Ta'chi stood in the corner of the hallway, a few feet from Neteyam's locker. The sight of the boy made him relax a bit, his breathing falling into even breaths as he simply watched the boy with admiration. He stood there, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. Neteyam was looking for something in his locker, and Ta'chi found it adorable everytime Neteyam's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he continued looking.

Ta'chi felt a wave of annoyance as he saw Ao'nung approach Neteyam, leaning on the lockers and smiling as he talked with the Sully. Ta'chi knew Ao'nung was the reason Neteyam has been avoiding him, and he wanted to beat the shit out of Ao'nung. All Ta'chi wanted was to talk to Neteyam again, to make him smile and laugh.

But he couldn't, because he knew how loyal Neteyam was. If Ao'nung asked him to ignore Ta'chi, he would. Because he's his boyfriend, not Ta'chi's. Not yet atleast.

Ta'chi stood and left his spot in the corner, passing by the couple while side-glaring Ao'nung. He made his way to the canteen area and entered the canteen. It wasn't too big but wasn't too small either. It had an entire row dedicated to the special lunches of the day and other hot foods. On the opposite side were 2 fridges with a variety of beverages, and a medium sized cooler with icy poles, frozen yoghurts and a load of ice-creams.

He stopped at the hot foods area, asking for 3 hash-browns and making his way to the cashier. He stood in line, waiting patiently until a pretty brunette with green eyes and freckles stood next to him. She was holding a cookie and a chocolate milk. Ta'chi made a confused face as she stood next to him for no reason at all. 

"Uhm, don't you need to get to the back of the line or something?"


"What do you mean 'What?' Get to the back of the line, I'm not helping you skip."

"Do you like Neteyam Suli?"

"Excuse me?"

"I see you staring at him, I also see you glaring at Ao'nung, his boyfriend."

"And so what if I do? If you like him, news flash, he's taken and clearly gay."

"It's not him I want, it's Ao'nung."


"I like Ao-"

"Hello? Excuse me sir are you gonna pay or not?"

Ta'chi looks at the cashier lady, clearly annoyed at how long he was taking. He took a look at the brunette who just nods him off and leaves to the back of the line. He pays and exits the building, waiting outside for the random girl. He saw her approach the cashier and pay aswell. She exited, looked around and saw Ta'chi, walking over to him while taking a few bites of the cookie she bought.

"So, you like Ao'nung?"

"And you like Neteyam."

"Why did you approach me in the first place?"

"I, I have a plan."

Ta'chi looked at her with an even more confused face. Eyebrows furrowed together as he took more bites of his hashbrown. He looked her up and down to get a better look at her, she had long, wavy brunette hair, pretty green eyes. Freckles peppered her face and she had a slightly chubby build. She had a sharp chin and was relatively short-ish, about 5'5, maybe.

"What's this plan?"

She visibly gulped, Ta'chi noticed her neck flex with the hard swallow. She pointed to a spot outside, it was shaded by trees and bush so no one would really notice them. They made their way over to the corner, it had a simple wooden bench against one of the walls of the corner. The foot of the trees and bushes had little yellow wild-flowers spread out across the grass.

"The plan is simple really, all we need to do is..."

Ta'chi listened closely, his mind trying to process every word that comes out of the girls mouth. He liked some ideas, but wasn't sure about others. He knew how intelligent Neteyam was, he wouldn't fall for some of these ideas, but Ao'nung on the other hand. Ao'nung would fall for most of these ideas, making him more prone to a break up.

The girl was finished talking after atleast 10 minutes of explaing. It was a longshot, they he didn't know if it would work anyways. The main part of the entire thing was making sure Ao'nung and Neteyam's trust for eachother diminished so bad they'd have to break up.

The ideas of this plan were crazy, some might call it psychotic. But Ta'chi knew he had to do it, for Neteyam, for Neteyam didn't know that whatever he and Ao'nung did, it wouldn't save their ending fate. Ta'chi knew Ao'nung well as well, he knew his family like they were his own. And he knew what plans Ao'nung's father had in store for him.

There was one question left in Ta'chi's mind though.

"What's your name anyways?"





POV: youre writing this while listening to Chase Atlantic>>>

Hope you guys enjoyed this one, sorry it was kind of short haha.
And sorry for being MIA! I procrastinated a lot 😭

You guys are amazing btw! I didn't realize we already reached PAST 10k reads! I cant tell you how much this means to me. I honestly love all of you so much! ~873

Stay safe btw! Love you guys <3


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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