Blood's on your sleeve

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Third Person:

Ao'nung was set, dead set on getting back together with Neteyam. The boy was ready to fight anyone and give up anything, even his reputation, to be back together with the Sully boy. His breath hitched when he thought of his reputation. Everyone knew they broke up, and Ao'nung had already received the money. So, what was he doing? He got the money, a large sum, so why not just move on?

That was the thing. Ao'nung couldn't. When Ao'nung saw multiple people talk to Neteyam and when he heard Neteyam's beautiful laugh, he was jealous. Jealous of the people who could talk to him without getting made fun of, jealous of the people that made him smile daily, jealous of the number of times people can make Neteyam laugh, jealous of the fact he has to do this in secret.

Ao'nung walked into English all pumped and ready to talk with Neteyam, only to realize the boy wasn't in his seat. Ao'nung was confused but walked to his seat. Mrs. Ronal was doing role call, but when she reached Ao'nung she heard no answer.

She looked up to see her son zoned out and daydreaming while looking out the window. She thought it was such a cute sight to witness. Ao'nung on the other hand was worried about Neteyam. He was usually never late to class and if he was, he would have a good reason. Out of worry, Ao'nung asked to go to the bathroom.

"Ma, can I go to the toilet?"

"Alright son, you may."

"Thanks ma."

Ao'nung quickly rushed out, determined to find Neteyam. He looked all around the school, checking every corridor and every empty classroom for him. But he was nowhere to be found. There was one place Ao'nung still hadn't checked and that was the second-floor bathrooms.

Ao'nung rushed up the stairs and made his way to the bathrooms, passing Lo'ak and Tsireya who were going to the library for their free period. Tsireya noticed her brother's face and body language and started to worry for him. She knew he was supposed to be in their mother's English class right not, so why wasn't he?

She decided to ask about it later, focusing on Lo'ak and the library rather than worrying for her older brother. She knew he was a good boy; he wouldn't muck up again. Right?

Ao'nung finally arrived at the bathrooms, stepping in to hear it was empty. He looked around once he fully entered. This bathroom was kind of eerie, which is why barely anyone comes in here unless it was desperate. The bathroom had really tinted windows and it was echoey. A few lights didn't work so that added onto the eeriness, and the rumour of a death happening in this very bathroom made it worse. So Ao'nung made up his mind to quickly scout the bathroom and leave if he found nothing.

Ao'nung entered the bathroom slowly, feeling chills immediately run up his spine. He was desperate to get out of there, it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Neteyam?" He called out. Nothing. He was about to turn and leave when he heard some sniffles echoing in the bathroom.

"Neteyam? Is that you?" He called out again, this time, hearing a few shuffles and a loud hic.

"Ao'nung?" He heard a small but familiar voice call out. Ao'nung immediately rushed around, trying to find the boy.

"Neteyam? Which stall are you in?"


Ao'nung frantically ran there, opening it to find a sobbing, bleeding Neteyam. Ao'nung felt rage build up in his body, his eyes seeing red as he watched his beloved sit there, crying and bleeding. Ao'nung decided to push back all the rage on focus on one thing, Neteyam.

"Neteyam... What happened?"

"Hic I, I can't explain."

"Why not?"

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