McDonalds :)

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*There will be lots of swearing, very sorry if you aren't comfortable with it, also thanks to Luccky7 for requesting this idea, fr helped my motivation tons <3*

I dragged that Ryler bitch to the ground and pinned him down, not realizing the crowd we had drawn in. I threw a blow to the boy underneath me, a splatter of crimson red blood exploded from his nose, his eyes watering a little from the impact of the blow. I continued sending blows, not caring whether or not he'd survive. He touched and harassed Neteyam, and that made my fucking blood boil to the brim.

He tried getting up, but I held him down. The more punches I threw, the more bruises he received. Every bruise that appeared was like a mini win for me. Phones and cameras were pulled out and soon, everyone was recording me beat Ryler up.

I'd thought of stopping, but the mere image of this fucker harassing my Neteyam made me pissed enough to keep going. Who fucking cares if I go to jail, he harassed Neteyam, he deals with the fucking consequences.

At this point, the weak bitch lost consciousness, his head lolling back and his body going limp. I genuinely thought I killed him until I felt him still breathing, looks like I'm not going to juvie anytime soon.

I finally got off him, his entire body just laid there, looking dead. A couple of boys who I assume are his friends picked him up and dragged him away quickly, obviously not wanting to deal with me any longer. My breathing was hard and loud, panting heavily as my mind finally grasped the thought that I beat that kid to the pulp for just touching Neteyam.


I looked around for him, and found him. He just stood there, no expression to be read on his face. He was holding his jacket while looking at the beaten to a pulp fucker named Ryler, then looked at me.

His eyes finally shone with an emotion I could read, fear. Why was he in fear? Was it because I nearly killed Ryler? Or was it because he thought I would hurt him? Alas, I walked over to him. He stepped back a little, but I remained on path, walking up to him and pulling him in a hug.

I embraced the warmth he had on him, he always had that. He's always had this warmth and happy radiance that made me crave to be near him even more. A second without him is like a second of being dead. I hugged him tighter, wanting him to hug me back as well. I placed my chin on his head as I sighed loudly, indicating that I was tired.

He dropped his jacket and finally hugged me back, burying his head in my chest as I let out another sigh, but this one of relief. I ran my hand through his hair, remembering this feeling from when we first started dating. A feeling of comfort whenever he's around, a feeling of happiness when he's happy, a feeling of love. That's the feeling that I remember, being loved by the person you love.

A feeling that can never be replaced, a feeling that no one can stop, a feeling that can only be felt 1-2 times in a lifetime, a feeling that is cherished by some and unwanted by others. Love, in all its glory.

He pulled away and I was shocked by him suddenly pulling away. I looked at him and he was looking down at his feet. He then looked up at me, a glare was plastered on his face. He picked up his jacket and pulled me by my shirt to the entrance of the gym I had just played in.

"Get your stuff, I'll meet you in the car."

He then walked to the entrance/exit of the building, he exited and the doors closed with a loud clack. I hurriedly walked into the gym and grabbed my stuff, ignoring the other players and coaches yelling for me to stop. I burst through the doors as I spotted Neteyam's car parked directly in front of me.

I knocked on the window and heard the car door's unlock. I jumped in and placed all my stuff at my feet as I put on my seatbelt and closed the door. A silence that was filled with tension and awkwardness filled the air. This never happened when I dated Neteyam. I was about to ask him what's wrong when he started the conversation before I could.

"Thank you."

"Thank you? What for Neteyam?"

"For dealing with Ryler, though I could've handled it myself, your ways of ending a dispute is far more effective than mine. So thank you."

"Oh." A slight blush creeped up on my cheeks as I replied. "No problem, it's what boyfriends are fo-"

I was cut off by a kiss, a passionate, 'thank you' kiss. I felt a hand on my cheek as Neteyam pulled me closer. I pulled him closer as well, trying to deepen the kiss more before he pulled away for the second time today. I was shocked again by the sudden pull. I sat back in my seat, sulking a little that he pulled away.

I heard a little laugh escape his lips as he started driving. I looked at him confused, still sulking a bit as he just continued giggling while driving.

"What is it?"

"You're just so adorable when you're sulking, you know."

I felt my face full flush with a deep red blush when I heard that comment. I looked out the window, admiring the big city buildings and city life that is going on. We stopped at a traffic light when I felt Neteyam's hand grab mine, my body immediately igniting with warmth at the touch.

One hand was on the wheel while the other was holding my hand. He caressed my hand with his thumb while focusing on the road. He stepped on the gas when the light turned green, then pulled my hand up to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on my hand, still caressing it.

At this point I was really red at the action. On instinct, I pulled his hand to my mouth and gave a small kiss as well, caressing his hand with my thumb this time. I saw a small smile form on his lips as we drove to the McDonalds that was nearby. We went through the drive through and ordered our food as we went to park in the waiting bay.

Neteyam and I talked the entire time we waited for our food. We talked about a range of things, from our families, to our interests, just remembering things about each other back when we dated. The food finally arrived, and we dug in hungrily. We both ate, talked and laughed about ourselves.

It was one of the most peaceful moments in my life right now.




Hi everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well right now! Ik I am haha

Hope you enjoyed the fluff as well, who knows there might be angst next chap 😙🙂

It's finally the holidays! I'm going to try and post at least once or twice these 2 week holidays.

Thank you all for the support you've shown! I really love you all <3

Also please continue requesting ideas! It really intrigues me to see what you guys come up with for these 2.

Anyways, I love you all! Thank you for 9.5k reads! That's actually so amazing. ~1233


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