Play Him

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I was about to follow Tey once class was done when I heard someone call my name. I looked around and saw Koro, Ongu and Nash'vi all signalling me to come over to them.

"Yo, whats up man."

Koro greeted, going in for a high five.

"Eh nothing much, anyways. You guys need something?"

"Yup, we have a new play for you to do."

Nash'vi replied. I just stared at them blankly, I remembered Tey's words at that moment. And at that moment, I wanted to tell them I was gonna stop playing people because I don't feel comfortable doing that. But before I was gonna say those things, a voice in my head suddenly told me to not say those things unless I wanna be bullied myself. So instead, I just shut up and nodded at them as a sign that I was going to do it.

"Sweet! Alright, I'll text you later on who this play is yea?"

"Alright, cya boys."

They all waved goodbye and left. I just stood there in the middle of the classroom, feeling lost. Why did I just say yes to another play? I told myself Inez would be the last one, and I would just flirt with other girls around the school. But I had a strong feeling this play would be ten times worse. I exited the class to see Tey and Lo'ak walking into the courtyard.

I just stared at Neteyam as he walked out. I understand why half the girls in the school are always talking to him or asking Lo'ak or Kiri for his number or socials. He was a very pretty guy. Long, beautiful hair, honey brown eyes, pretty freckles, a smile that could make anyone smile, the glint in his eyes when he hears something he likes. He was just admirable. Wait, WHY AM I RAMBLING ABOUT HIM.

I left my spot to go to the courtyard to meet with Roxto and the gang, I guess. I look around to see Tey talking with a guy, laughing, and smiling. I suddenly felt irritated, I'm not jealous. Ao'nung te Met'kayi does NOT get jealous!

I walk over to them and put a hand around Neteyams shoulder. I could feel his breath hitch and look over at me. I look at him, and the world just stops. I stared into his honey brown eyes, which looked so innocent. At that moment, I had an urge to just kiss him, I didn't know why, I just did.

"Uhm, I feel like I'm third wheeling right now."

I suddenly see Neteyam pull away in embarrassment, is he embarrassed of me or something? I look over to the guy he was talking to, a little shorter than me, dark skin, brown eyes, dreads, and a charming smile that would make girls swoon. I just eyed him til I felt Neteyam slowly and subtly take my hand off his shoulder. I feel embarrassed. I quickly remove my hand and place it at my side. Oh, eywa that was so embarrassing.

"Uh Ta'chi, this is my good friend Ao'nung, Ao'nung, this is Ta'chi, my friend."

"Nice to meet you Ao'nung."

He said my name weirdly, I didn't like it. I just slowly eyed him til he put out his hand to shake, giving me a smile. I took his hand and gave him a half smile, hopefully showing him that I didn't like him.

"Nice to meet you too Ta'chi."

I think Neteyam felt the tension between us two, so he suddenly pulled my hand off from Ta'chi's. I glared at him, and he glared back.

"Anyways, I think me and Ao'nung need to go now. See you at sport."

Neteyam pulled me away into a hushed corner, away from everyone's eyes.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That! The, like, tension between you two! Are you guys rivals or something."

"No, no, just, don't worry about it Tey."

Neteyam just looked me dead in the eyes, he was obviously trying to find out if I was lying or not. But instead, he just left it and dragged me over to the table where everyone else was sitting at.

"Hey man."

Roxto said cheerily.

"Hey, how was sport?"

"Tiring as hell, we did basketball, so you know I was the best on my team."

"Haha! I wouldn't expect anything less."

As we all talked and ate together, I felt my phone vibrate, signalling I received a message. I took out my phone to see it was from Koro. I looked around but couldn't find them.


Koro: Yo, ao. Heres the play.

Ao: Shit, I forgot about that. Anyways who is it?

Koro: You know the new kid your sitting next to? The taller one, uhh Nete-something.

I felt my heart drop. They wanted me to play Neteyam! Innocent, beautiful, amazing Neteyam. I couldn't do that, not to him. It just didn't feel right. He's been here a month and they want me to play him. I was running through things I could say to back out of it when the next text made me partly change my mind.

Koro: The bet money is $500 from all of us, $1.5k from all of us in total.

Ao: Why is it so high?

Koro: I mean, he's good-looking yea. But he's been here a month and half the school is already swooning for him. So, he'd HAVE to have a ton of offers iykwim.

I felt sick. The money stake was high, and Koro was right, he'd have to have a ton of offers already. But could I do this? To one of my good friends? I couldn't, right?

Koro: Ao? You there?

Ao: Yea, yea im here.

Koro: Well? You gon do it?

I thought about it for a second. If I did it, I would have money, but I'd lose a good friend of mine. But if I don't do it, I'd probably lose my popularity with the guys, but still have Neteyam as a friend. I look at Neteyam. He looked so innocent. I couldn't bear the thought of him crying because of me. I looked at my phone, the stake was high, if I decline it, my entire school life, popularity and reputation could go downhill. After a lot of thinking, I made my choice.

Ao: I'll do it.




Even though you probably predicted it, chapter six is finally here!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy.

But what will Ao'nung do now he is in the bet 🤔

I'll try get the next chapter out soon! See you <3


~Fay 🌺

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