Player 17

632 20 15

Third Person POV:

The smell of sweat and rubber filled Neteyam's nose as he entered the unknown gym. Once he stepped in, the sight of tall, sweaty basketball players playing the court filled his vision as he searched for a certain someone on the court.

Neteyam located the person, Ao'nung, who was currently dribbling the ball down to the hoop on the other end. Neteyam was late for Ao'nung's match, he arrived at half-time because he was tutoring someone and notified Ao'nung that he would be late to the match.

The Sully boy found a seat near the centre, like dead centre. Middle seat of the entire gym on his side. His eyes were only on Ao'nung, he admired how he played. How he played with determination, seriousness, and most of all, the goal to win the match.

It was currently 3-4, with Awa'atlu Academy having scored the 4 points while Anikan College being on 3. A loud roar erupted from the crowd as Awa'atlu scored another point, bringing the total to 3-5. 

Ao'nung gazed around, trying to see if Neteyam finally came. When Ao'nung finally spotted Neteyam, a huge grin suddenly emerged from his face. Neteyam gave a grin back, clearly seeing how happy Ao'nung was seeing that Neteyam finally showed up.

Ao'nung was even more determined now, knowing that Neteyam was watching him, the boy didn't want to embarrass himself infront of him. So Ao'nung played hard, not dirty, but played hard, enough to make Anikan College realize just what type of player they were playing against. 

But nonetheless, Anikan College put up a fight. Not ending the match with only 3-5, Anikan College played dirty instead of harder. Pulled a few tricks here and there. Pulling on someone's shirt, tripping someone on 'accident', knocking someone slightly off course to daze them for a second and steal the ball, the usual.

Neteyam noticed all this, noticed how Anikan weren't being fair. But he had no idea what to do. He couldn't tell a ref because he thought the ref would just brush it off. So he just sat there, worrying if any Anikan's would go for Ao'nung next. And to his horror, they did.

One of the Anikan players, the captain to be exact, tripped Ao'nung when he had the ball. The ref caught it and set out a warning to all the players, but it was too late, Ao'nung's anger rose with every word. 

Ao'nung was furious, partly because the Anikan captain tried to cheat, but mainly because he tripped Ao'nung infront of Neteyam! Ao'nung was embarrassed yet also really annoyed. He decided to still not play dirty, but give it his all, throw in every move he could get.

The game restarted, Neteyam left his seat to go find something to munch on while the game went on. As he got to the canteen outside the gym, a blonde boy from the Anikan team came up to him and opened the canteen door for Neteyam. Neteyam simply smiled at the blondie as he entered and looked around for anything he'd like.

"Hi. I'm Ryler, what's your name?"

Neteyam was so shocked by the sudden remark that he dropped the jacket he was holding. As he went down to grab it, Ryler, the blondie, quickly bent down and grabbed it for Neteyam. Instead of giving it back though, he held it high in the air. Ryler was taller than Neteyam, so the Sully boy couldn't reach it for the sake of his life.

"I just want something to eat and leave, can I have my jacket back?"

"Well what's your name?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Whoa! Why so feisty? Am I not allowed?" Ryler smirked.

"Well I barely know you, so why must I give you my name?"

"Oh come on cutie! I just want to know."

"Don't call me that, and if you badly need to know. My name is Neteyam."

"Neteyam...pretty name. What school do you go to?"

"Are we interrogating eachother now?"

"What? Am I also not allowed to know?"

Neteyam felt a weird vibe from this 'Ryler' guy. He didn't feel safe around him. Yes, Ryler wasn't too shabby looking, thick, fluffy blonde hair with a nose and ear piercing, some faded freckles and 2 dimples that showed up whenever Ryler smiled. 

Ao'nung on the other hand, was wondering where Neteyam went. He was too focused on Neteyam's whereabouts when he missed a chance to score a point. Anikan College took the ball down the court when Ao'nung snapped out of his daydream and focused on the game. He knew Neteyam, Neteyam wouldn't leave without telling Ao'nung first. So Ao'nung focused on the game, worrying less of where the Sully boy is.

Neteyam was still in the canteen, trying to pick out food while dryly answering Ryler's never ending questions. At this point, Neteyam was getting frustrated. He quickly got food and left to pay, forgetting the jumper that was in Ryler's hands.

He quickly moved where he was sitting to a far corner where hopefully Ryler wouldn't spot him. He quietly ate his food as he watched the rest of the game in peace and no one disturbing him. His eyes were mainly glued on Ao'nung, watching his every move. Ao'nung felt the familiar gaze of Neteyam on him, and he knew that his Neteyam was back, safe and sound.

Soon, the endgame horn blared, signaling the end of the match. The final score was 5-7, with Awa'atlu winning this match for the third time in a row. Anikan College were obviously upset, but they plastered on the 'good sportsman' face and shook hands with the winning team, who were all smirking at them in mock.

Neteyam packed all his things up and waited in the indoor waiting bay for Ao'nung. They we're meant to go for a McDonalds run after the game as a dinner. Neteyam was on his phone, scrolling on tiktok when he felt a large pull on his shirt drag him to a corner behind the reception. He looked up to see Ryler, smiling while holding his jacket between them.

"Looks like you forgot something cutie."

"Oh Eywa, just give it back already!"

"Not until you agree to give me your number."

"For Eywa's sake, no! And let me go!"

"Nah, I don't think so until you let me have your number."

"I said! Let-"

"Let him go."

A dark voice came from next to the two boys, it was Ao'nung, who was clearly pissed at Ryler. Ao'nung pulled Ryler's collar and dragged him out of there. Neteyam stood there in shock as usual. But then, Ao'nung dragged Ryler to the ground, got on top of the latter, and threw a punch. 




Hello everyone!

I am so sorry for the late update, I was wayy too busy recently to update. But please expect another update in a week's time! It is nearly school holidays yet again and i am sure i'd have time to update!

Atp, im kinda dragging it out noe. So tell me, do you want more fluff or angst? Want me to drag it out more or end it kind of soon? I'm running out of ideas so please! Give me some if you want me to expand the story more <3

Anyways, thank you all for 8.5k reads! We're nearly at 10k yay!

Ily all so much! Thank you again! ~1202


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