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Ivy couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and frustration bubbling up inside of her as she thought about the way her brother and Tom had always tried to control her. They acted like they knew everything she had been through and always thought they knew better. It was infuriating to her, and she couldn't help but feel like they were always trying to hold her back.

When she called them out at the award show, it felt good to finally let out some of her pent-up emotions. But at the same time, she felt a little ashamed for bringing everyone into their business. She knew that her brother Georg looked at her with broken eyes, and she missed him terribly. But he hadn't been there for her when she needed him the most. He had even let Tom hit her all those years back, without doing anything to stop it.

Ivy had put all of her raw emotions into her career, choosing to focus on herself and her craft. It showed in her work, and she had become the highest-paid model ever. But seeing the boys last night brought up some feelings that she thought were long lost.

Over the last few weeks, Ivy had dreaded looking at any kind of news channel. She and Andrew were all over the news, and while they were a couple, she didn't love him anymore. In the beginning, she thought she did, but once they became official, he showed his true colors. He was an emotional and psychological manipulator, and just like Tom, he had hit her. Sadly, he had hit her far more than once.

Ivy wanted to leave him, she really did. But she was honestly terrified of what he could do to her. She had left everything behind, so she was on her own. She was scared, alone, and didn't know what to do. But seeing Tom again had brought up some old feelings that she thought she had buried deep inside of her. She couldn't help but feel a little bit of attraction towards him, even though she knew it was a terrible idea.

As Ivy sat alone in her hotel room, she couldn't help but feel like she was in a never-ending cycle of pain and heartbreak. She didn't know how to break free from it, but she knew that she had to try. She couldn't keep living like this forever.

she was just a teenager when everything happend . Her brother Georg and her used to be so close, they would do anything together being each others rock, and for a while, things were okay. But then Tom and the band came into their lives, and everything changed.

At first, Ivy didn't see anything wrong with Tom and Bill. They were just Georg's friends, after all. But as time went on, she began to see their true colors. They were controlling, or at least Tom and Georg were, bill and Gustav was true sweethearts, she had fun with them, she trusted them, they were friends or at least she thought so. Overtime their relationship changed she went through puberty and she noticed changes in the boy's behavior, Tom would be an even bigger asshole, and sometimes even a pervert, she had noticed him starring her down multiple times, especially in the mornings of their sleep overs where she was in her pajamas short and top. He could be so mean one moment then have her back the next telling people to leave her alone or he would personally beat their ass, which he had done before. Tom gave her feelings she couldn't place, he made her heart feel safe but her head in a panic, then it all came crashing down, Tom became more hostile and she would ignore him. Then The night it happens Tom had hit her, he had slapped her across the face for finally standing up for herself, Georg and Bill would just stand by and watch. She felt trapped, like there was no way out.

He had over the years scared off almost every guy that came in her direction, flirted with her nothing serious or at least she hadn't seen it being serious. To straight up slap her for saying everything wasn't around him.

Who the hell was he even to try and control these things? He was just a friend of her brothers nothing more nothing less.

Ivy was a fighter. She refused to let that break her, no matter how hard they tried. She put all her energy into her schoolwork, determined to make something of herself. And then, one day, she saw an ad for a modeling agency. She didn't have any experience, but she decided to give it a shot. And to her surprise, she was a natural. She had found her calling.

Over the years, Ivy threw herself into her career. She worked hard, pushed herself to the limit, and it paid off. She became the highest-paid model ever, at only 20 years old. But even with all her success, there was still a part of her that felt broken. She had been through so much, and sometimes it felt like she was still trapped in that same cycle of abuse and control.

Ivy recalls the first time she met Andrew, fellow model, at the photo shoot for Playboy magazine. He was a perfect gentleman and she admired his charm. However, Ivy wasn't too keen on men and tried to keep things slow. Despite that, Andrew persisted and his hardcore flirting eventually won Ivy over.

But the moment they became official, Andrew turned into a completely different person. He wasn't the sweet and caring guy she fell in love with. Instead, he became an emotional manipulator and physically abusive. Ivy had to wear makeup to cover up the bruises he left on her. She was scared of her own boyfriend and suspected that he only dated her for the public eye to notice him more.

Andrew's actions made Ivy uncomfortable, especially during interviews and events where he would get touchy with her. She felt trapped and scared to leave him.
She have though he was gonna be her savior

So when she saw Tom and Bill at the award show, all those old feelings came flooding back. She couldn't help but feel a mix of anger, fear, and sadness. Angry at them for what they had done to her, scared of what they could still do, and sad for all the years she had lost to them. And much to her displeasure she somehow still missed them. She had forgotten over the years as she only focused on her modeling career, but the moment it was announced Tokio hotel was going to be present at the award show, everything came rushing back to her, and she instantly recognized the feelings she had in her body.

And yet, despite all that, there was still a part of her that felt drawn to Tom. She didn't know why, but she couldn't help but feel a little bit of attraction to him. It was confusing, and it made her feel even more vulnerable.

But then she remembered why she had left in the first place. She had chosen herself, and she wasn't going to let anyone control her ever again. So when she called Tom and Bill out on stage, it wasn't just for her own sake. It was for all the other women out there who had been through what she had been through. She wanted to show them that they didn't have to be victims, that they could fight back and take control of their lives.

she felt a sense of pride. She had done what others had tried but failed miserably at. She had taken her pain and turned it into something beautiful. And even though she knew that the road ahead would be difficult, she also knew that she was strong enough to handle whatever came her way.

Ivy took a deep breath and looked out at the city. It was a long road ahead, but she was ready for it. She had chosen herself, and she knew that anything was possible if she just believed in herself

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