Coming Clean.

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Ivy took a deep breath, gathering the strength to share the painful truth that had been concealed for far too long. Her voice quivered with a mix of fear and determination as she began recounting the dark reality of her relationship with Andrew, her boyfriend.

She explained how her seemingly idyllic romance gradually turned into a nightmare. Over the course of more than a year, she had desperately tried to leave, but fear had held her captive. The room grew heavy with an oppressive silence as Ivy revealed the terror she felt at Andrew's hands, the constant threat that loomed over her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she confessed the depth of her fear, how every attempt to break free was met with manipulation, intimidation, and the haunting presence of Andrew's other "girlfriends." She explained that the models she worked with, who were supposed to be her colleagues, became Andrew's pawns, ready to attack and torment her at his command.

Ivy felt a pang of sadness and shame when Tom, who had been so supportive before, questioned 

"How could someone like you fall for someone like him?"

His sudden coldness pierced her heart, leaving her bewildered and vulnerable. She searched his eyes, hoping to find the warmth and understanding that had been there before, but it seemed to have vanished.

Bill, sensing Ivy's distress, reacted swiftly. He unleashed his anger on Tom, delivering a resounding punch to the back of his head. The room erupted in tension as Bill reprimanded his older brother, 

"what the actual fuck Tom, this is no time for you to be asking stuff like that, is not like we chose who we fall in love with, and Ivy couldn't have known, so now please be respectful say sorry, and shut the fuck up and listen"

Tom's apology came, albeit begrudgingly, accompanied by a dismissive remark that further wounded Ivy's already fragile spirit.

Georg, Ivy's brother, couldn't contain his anger any longer. "TOM GET THE FUCK OUT" He shouted at Tom, commanding him to leave the room. Tom, realizing the gravity of his words and actions, acquiesced and left, his departure left a palpable void in the room.

As the door closed behind Tom, Ivy found herself overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. Through her tear-streaked face, she managed to convey her desire for solitude. The weight of her truth had been laid bare, and now she needed time to heal, to gather the fragments of her shattered self.

Georg, Bill, and Gustav remained silent, their hearts heavy with the weight of Ivy's pain. They understood the magnitude of what she had shared and the courage it took to speak her truth. They respected her need for solitude and allowed her the space she requested, promising to be there when she was ready to rejoin them.

Ivy was laying there in Georg's bed, thinking everything over. then tried to sleep.

Toms POV

Tom's mind swirled with a mixture of confusion and regret as he retreated to his own room. He couldn't fathom why he had asked such a cold and hurtful question to Ivy. It had come out much harsher than he had intended, and he now regretted his choice of words.

But a part of him couldn't help but wonder about Ivy's choices. How could someone like her, with her grace and strength, fall for someone like Andrew? The question lingered in his mind, although he recognized that it was not the right time or place to voice it.

His thoughts quickly shifted to Maria, who was on her way to see him. He felt a pang of guilt for abruptly leaving her in the living room earlier. Tom wanted to make up for their interrupted time together, to drown himself in distractions and temporary pleasures that would momentarily take his mind off the chaotic situation unfolding around him.

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