Drunk Actions Sober Thoughts.

303 9 6

3'rd Person POV

"what the fuck" Tom said, as he saw Andrew kiss Ivy, what surprised him was that she was letting him.

The shock rippled through him as he watched her reciprocate. He felt a painful squeeze in his chest, the betrayal seeping into his very bones. All he could see was her willingly surrendering herself to his worst enemy.

Andrew had made his intentions clear and Ivy, more than anyone, knew how easily he could snap.

She played her role with precision, offering him the illusion of control, of winning. But her heart ached with every touch, every kiss. She felt like she was betraying Tom even though she was doing it for him, to protect him. 

Tom was unraveling, the threads of his restraint coming undone. He was drunk, his emotional defenses impaired by the alcohol swirling in his system.  Ivy and Andrew together, the kiss he'd just seen - that' had been the final blow.

In front of Ivy, Tom seemed a shadow of his former self, his voice shaky as he poured out the contents of his broken heart. "Ivy," he began, his voice thick with emotion. "You've finally done it. You've taken the last piece of me and crushed it. How...how could you? With him, of all people."

His words came out in a rush like a dam had burst within him. "Do you know what this feels like? To see the woman I love, the woman I've done everything for, in the arms of my worst enemy? To see you kissing him like there's no tomorrow like he is your world? It's a knife, Ivy. It's a knife twisting in my heart."

He paused, choked by the intensity of his feelings. "I love you, damn it. And I always will. But you... you've torn my heart apart, Ivy." 

The confrontation was inevitable, the charged tension between Andrew and Tom finally reaching its breaking point. Their faces were inches apart, the venom in their words painting the air with shades of anger and regret.

"Give me a fucking break, Tom," Andrew sneered, stepping in front of Ivy, his eyes hard. "You don't fucking love Ivy, you just wanted her because I had her. You've not changed a bit since we were kids, you couldn't just stay in your fucking place."

As he moved, Ivy seized the moment. This was her chance, the next crucial step in her carefully woven plan.

Tom's jaw clenched, his fists balling by his sides. "Andrew, you're so fucking disgusting," he retorted, his voice steeped in disgust. "You're nothing but a pathetic snake. The things you've done, the fucking lengths you've gone to? And for what? Because your small brain and ego couldn't take that I rose from your shadows. It's not my fault I was just better."

Andrew recoiled, but Tom stepped closer, leaning in until he could practically feel the heat of Andrew's rage. He didn't back down. "Well, Andrew," he spat, his voice dropping dangerously low, "enjoy my sloppy seconds. You always have anyway."

The words were a low blow, even for Ivy. She knew she had played her part in this, the kiss in front of Tom being her greatest betrayal. Andrew, incensed by Tom's words, finally showed his true colors. He swung at Tom, but Tom was quicker, dodging the blow and retaliating with one swift punch that sent Andrew sprawling on the floor.

Tom bent down.

"Don't you ever fucking get it, Andrew, you can't beat me, not then, not now." he spat at Andrew and then left. 

Ivy ran after him

"T-Tom wait up!" she yelled at him.

Tom halted mid-stride, his silhouette rigid against the setting sun. The silence stretched between them, the ticking seconds echoing in Ivy's head as she willed him to turn around.

PLAYBOY I Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now