You're the One That I Want.

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Tom POV.

As Ivy pulled away from the passionate kiss on the beach, I found myself breathless and filled with conflicting emotions. She stood up abruptly, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and unease. I asked her what she was doing, desperately hoping for an answer that would ease my growing apprehension.

"I'm going home, Tom," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of determination and vulnerability. Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. Why was she leaving? What had gone wrong? The fear of hearing her say she regretted everything crept into my mind, but to my surprise, she continued speaking, her words carrying a raw honesty that caught me off, guard.

"What are we, Tom? I don't understand our relationship," she confessed, her eyes searching mine for answers. Her words echoed my own confusion and uncertainty. I had to admit to myself that our connection had been a rollercoaster ride, with moments of undeniable closeness followed by periods of distance and ambiguity. She was right. Sometimes we were friends, sometimes something more, and sometimes we felt like strangers.

Her words struck a chord deep within me, and I realized my inconsistent behavior's impact on her. I had been sending mixed signals, fluctuating between showing her attention and then seemingly disregarding her. It wasn't fair to her, and I couldn't blame her for feeling frustrated and confused.

With her gaze fixed upon me, I contemplated her words. It was a moment of introspection, a chance to confront my own emotions and intentions. After a brief pause, I responded, trying to be as honest as possible, "I don't know what we are, Ivy, but I miss what we were." The admission escaped my lips before I could fully process it, revealing a vulnerability I rarely allowed myself to show.

We held each other's gaze, the weight of unspoken words lingering between us. But then, she made a decision. Ivy started walking away, telling me not to call or contact her until I was certain of where I wanted us to stand. Her request echoed in my mind, and I watched her go, feeling a mix of regret and determination.

As Ivy disappeared into the distance, I couldn't deny the truth in her words. I needed to reflect on my own feelings and intentions.

Tom made his way home from the beach, his mind still consumed with thoughts of Ivy and the weight of their unresolved relationship. Walking to his car, he felt a mix of emotions, longing and uncertainty intermingling within him. As he drove, a familiar restlessness settled in, prompting him to make a stop at a nearby store. He needed cigarettes, a temporary distraction from the storm of emotions brewing inside.

Entering the store, Tom purchased a pack of cigarettes and stepped outside to take a smoke. Standing there, lost in his thoughts, a group of girls approached him. Recognizing him, they excitedly asked for pictures and autographs. A genuine smile stretched across Tom's face, a rare moment of appreciation and validation in recent months. He hadn't been out much, and the attention from fans reminded him of the joy he once felt in such interactions.

Eagerly, he signed their shirts and posed for pictures, indulging in the enthusiasm of his fans. Two of the girls gave him a kiss on each cheek while the third girl captured the moment with a camera. Tom laughed, his spirits lifted by their exuberance. Sensing the shyness in the third girl, just before the click of the camera, he leaned down and gently kissed her cheek. The girls stood in shock, their excitement reaching new heights, while the blushing girl's cheeks turned crimson. Tom bid them farewell, wishing them a good night as he made his way toward home.

Arriving at the house, Tom expected to find it empty. However, he entered to find Bill in the kitchen, a solemn expression on his face. Shame washed over Tom, and he attempted to escape to his room, avoiding the impending confrontation. But Bill stopped him, his voice firm yet filled with concern.

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