But Do You Want Me?.

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"Are you fucking kidding me? after everything, he fucks around, takes drugs and now he's taking them with my sister, while they're going around kissing and shit" Georg said aggressively as he stepped into the kitchen Bill was in.

Georg stormed into the kitchen, seething with anger and frustration. His mind was filled with thoughts of Tom's reckless behavior, drug use, and now his involvement with Ivy. He couldn't understand how his best friend could be so careless, especially when it came to someone as important as his sister.

Bill, who had been quietly contemplating the situation, looked up as Georg entered the room. He knew that tensions were running high, and it was crucial to approach the situation carefully. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the confrontation that was about to unfold.

"Georg, I understand your concern, but you need to let go of this need to control everything," Bill said calmly, his voice tinged with firmness. "Tom and Ivy are both adults capable of making their own decisions. We can't force them to do what we think is right."

Georg's eyes narrowed, his frustration evident on his face. He couldn't fathom why Bill seemed to be taking Tom's side in this matter. The argument escalated as both brothers passionately expressed their differing opinions and concerns.

Meanwhile, Tom had been lost in his thought pondering his feelings for Ivy and the need to confront his own mistakes. As he emerged from his room, he was taken aback by the sight of Georg and Bill engaged in a heated argument. His presence seemed to add fuel to the fire.

Tom's heart sank as he realized the magnitude of the tension he had unintentionally created within his family. The weight of his actions bore down on him, and he knew he had to step in and address the situation head-on.

"Guys, please," Tom interjected, his voice filled with a mix of remorse and determination. "I know I've messed up, and I'm deeply sorry for the pain I've caused. But I also care about Ivy, and we need to have an honest conversation about where we stand."

Georg's anger momentarily subsided as he turned his attention to his best friend . He could see the sincerity in Tom's eyes and the genuine remorse in his voice. It was clear that Tom was grappling with his demons and trying to make amends.

Bill, too, softened his gaze, realizing the importance of supporting his brother during this difficult time. He understood that Tom needed guidance and understanding, rather than solely being reprimanded for his actions.

Taking a deep breath, Georg reluctantly nodded, his anger slowly giving way to a sense of concern for his friend's well-being. "Fine," he said, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and worry. "But Tom, you need to understand that Ivy's happiness and well-being are my priority. Don't make me regret giving you another chance."

Tom nodded solemnly, fully aware of the weight of Georg's words. He knew that he had a long journey ahead, one that required him to earn back the trust and respect of his family.

tom's in the kitchen with Bill and Georg when his phone beeps, he takes out his phone and sees a notification from Twitter, Ivy's poisonings Ex Boyfriend Andrew Williams had posted a tweet" @Ivy_darling what a shitty way to break up with someone, leave them one night, then blocking them, only for me to see posts online with you @Tom_Kaulitz kissing on a beach. #IDeserveBetter" what the fuck?, people had taken photos of that??

Tom's heart raced as he read Andrew Williams' tweet. His anger flared up, fueled by the audacity of Andrew's accusations and the public exposure of his private moment with Ivy. How could Andrew twist the situation to make himself the victim?

Without thinking, Tom's fingers moved swiftly, typing a biting response. He couldn't stand idle while Andrew painted himself as an innocent victim. He wanted to expose the truth, the darkness that lurked beneath Andrew's façade.

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