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After making their relationship official, Tom and Ivy quickly became inseparable. They were caught up in a whirlwind of newfound love and desire, unable to keep their hands off each other. It was as if they were constantly orbiting each other, caught in a shared gravitational pull.

The paparazzi could always count on capturing intimate moments between the two, whether at red-carpet events, concerts, or private gatherings. Tom seemed perpetually drawn to Ivy, his lips frequently finding hers, his hands inevitably gravitating towards her waist, her hips, her thighs.

The devotion was mutual. Ivy was seen at every one of Tom's concerts, cheering him on from the side stage. In return, Tom was a fixture at her fashion shows and photoshoots, providing his unwavering support. They were a mutual beacon of light for each other, constantly guiding one another through the maelstrom of their public lives.

The media lapped it up, their love story creating an insatiable frenzy. Every public display of affection, every candid shot, every stolen moment was splashed across the front pages of tabloids and trended on social media. They were the hot, new, sexy power couple everyone couldn't get enough of.

With each passing day, each cover they graced, each accolade they received, a bitter taste grew stronger in Andrew's mouth. The realization that Leroy had betrayed him gnawed at his insides. What was supposed to be his trump card had backfired spectacularly.

Andrew found himself on a downward spiral. The model, who once graced billboards and walked for high-end fashion brands, saw a steep decline in his career. Partnerships dwindled, and photoshoots and gigs dried up. The industry that once welcomed him with open arms now saw him as a risk, a liability.

Meanwhile, Tom and Ivy thrived on their love story as a beacon of hope and resilience. What started as a battle of wills had now turned into a clear triumph for Tom. The tables had turned, and as Tom rose, Andrew fell.

As much as Ivy loved Tom, and as head-over-heels as she was for him, there was a nagging feeling she couldn't shake. Things had fallen into place too easily. Tom had shown up on her doorstep, seeming to have all the answers to the issues that had previously plagued their relationship. It was as if he suddenly had a blueprint to navigate all their struggles.

She was also surprised by Andrew's sudden silence. It was as if he'd vanished into thin air, and Seth had disappeared along with him. After the relentless pursuit and the constant tension, their sudden absence felt like a vacuum. It wasn't like Andrew to back down without a fight.

Ivy loved Tom and loved being with him. She cherished every moment they spent together. But his eagerness to go public with their relationship gave her pause. Tom had always been a private person, preferring to keep his personal life out of the public eye. But now, it seemed like he was adamant about flashing their relationship for the world to see.

Was it just his excitement, or was there more to it? It almost felt as if he was deliberately shoving their relationship in someone's face. But why?

Ivy shook her head, trying to rid herself of the thoughts. Maybe she was overthinking. Maybe it was just the newness of their official status. Maybe Tom was just excited like she was.

But a small part of her couldn't help but wonder if there was more to it than met the eye. Something wasn't adding up, and Ivy knew she needed to find out what it was. Even if it meant confronting Tom.

Tom felt a knot tightening in his stomach as he heard her question. He was standing on the balcony, a lit cigarette in his hand, the view of the city sprawling before him. But Ivy's words seemed to cut through the peaceful night.

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