Cold Shoulder & Fresh Tears

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Tom's POV

The doctor's confirmation hit me like a thunderbolt. Ivy was one month pregnant with my child. The magnitude of that revelation shook me to the core. I had never even considered the possibility of becoming a father, and now it was a reality staring me in the face. Panic surged through me, accompanied by a flood of doubts and fears. Would I be capable of being a good father? Did I have what it takes to navigate the challenges of parenthood?

As the weight of my thoughts threatened to suffocate me, my brother Bill's hand landed reassuringly on my shoulder, jolting me back to the present moment. His voice cut through the chaos swirling in my mind, pulling me back from the edge of my own panic. "Tom, I need you to calm your shit," he said firmly, his words grounding me in reality. "This isn't about you right now. It's about Ivy."

Bill's reminder struck a chord within me. He was right—Ivy's well-being and peace of mind were paramount at this moment. My own fears and uncertainties could wait. I needed to set them aside and focus on being there for Ivy when she woke up, offering her the support she needed.

Taking a deep breath, I made a conscious effort to center myself, to push aside my internal turmoil. Bill's words echoed in my ears, a gentle admonition to be present and composed. This was not the time for me to unravel; it was the time for me to be strong for Ivy.

we had been in Ivy's room for hours, The nurse told us she could wake up at any point, but since she had over-exhausted herself for quite some time, there was no telling when she would wake up. 

"hey imma step out and get something to eat, you need anything?" Bill asked me as he stood up from the chair.

"yeah, could you grab me a coffee, I have a feeling imma be here a while," I said holding my head in my hands and rubbing my eyes.

"Large Black coffee?" he asked

I nodded, he knew me so well. he went out of the room and I was alone with Ivy, she had her back turned to me, and I breathe out the air I didn't know I held. leaving me alone with Ivy, the weight of the situation settled heavily upon me. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to steady my racing thoughts and frayed nerves. that's when I heard it, small sobs.

I stand up, walked over to her, and slightly put my hand on her shoulder with the intention of turning to see what was going on when she acted out, pulling my hands harshly away.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" she yelled. her voice filled with anguish and anger. she was crying.

I stepped back, stunned by her sudden outburst. Confusion and concern mingled within me, as I struggled to comprehend what had triggered such a fierce reaction.

Caught off guard, I stood there, frozen in place, my mind racing to make sense of Ivy's intense response.

The familiar ache of helplessness settled in my chest as I realized 

"I-ivy, i.m not going to hurt, I only want to help you" I tried

Bill reentered the room, coffee in hand. His eyes darted between Ivy and me, sensing the tension in the air. He quickly assessed the situation, stepping forward to intervene. "Tom, don't try to hold her or touch her right now," he advised, his voice steady and filled with concern.

"We need to give her space right now, it's a normal respond to not want anyone to touch you when they had gone through what Ivy has." he tried to calm me didn't work

 "I only want to help," I pleaded, my voice filled with genuine concern. I took a step closer, my hands held out in a gesture of reassurance. The fear in Ivy's eyes tore at my heart, and I desperately wanted to ease her pain.

PLAYBOY I Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now