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I've been living in this little country for as long as I can remember. It's nothing special though. Near Romania and has probably the best nature ever - I had to admit. It is called Bulgaria.

My town is also small so I know almost everything about everyone. I know I sound crazy, but I don't have many friends and my life is kinda boring. What can I say? I'm just a normal and usual Victoria. Yes, my name is Victoria . Really common name in here and not only. Something not common about me though is my best and probably only real friend - Leo. He is Polish so he has this little funny accent which always made me laugh. I wasn't making fun of him or something of course, it was kinda cute if I have to be honest.

Leo wasn't straight and you could see it in his eyes, personality, voice and even his walk. He wasn't trying to hide it either, once he had a crush on my cousin Andrew. Leo always wanted to come over at my house when Andrew was there. He was asking my cousin questions like
,,Hey, Andrew! Do you like this new show on channel 3? It's about gay boys and it's sooo freaky! "
I was disgusted and so was Andrew.
I guess what's what I liked about Leo. He always said what he wanted to without giving a shit - I wish I was like him, but I really wasn't. Of course I didn't have a problem with him being a gay. It was just a little strange for me at the begging, but after some time I got used to it.

Leo and I had some things in common.
We both loved Tokio hotel. This German band everyone was crazy about at that moment. I had my favourite one - Tom Kaulitz. Tall German boy dressed with baggy clothes playing his electric guitar. He was majestic. Of couse, Leo also had one. His twin brother - Bill Kaulitz. I've always wanted to meet them all. To play the bass with Georg, to hug tightly Gustav, to talk all day and night with Bill... To see Tom. Just to see him in real life. It was my dream. My biggest dream.

Leo and I also liked this thing called ,,shifting" . We did everything we could to do it just to see our idols. Nothing worked. We just wanted to get out of this reality. We hated it so much. Bulgarian people made me sick. Leo was being bullied everyday at school... and so was I. I mean i couldn't blame them, we weren't the typical bulgarian people they all were. We weren't basic. That's what made them feel something against us, to hate us, to bully us.

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