Are you serious?

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I was walking back home from school with Leo.

,,Have you heard?" - he said.

,,Heard what?" - I asked.

,,Lisa is going to Germany!" - Leo replied.

,,And? I don't even like her! What about it though?"

,,Vicky, she is going to a Tokio hotel concert!"

,,WHAT?" - I kinda screamed it out loud. ,,Oops, sorry. Are you serious?"

,,I am! Also there is a thing that may make your day!"

,,Say it!! Oh my god!"

,,She said she is taking someone with her, but she doesn't know who! This is your chance Vicky!"

,,Leo, what about you? I don't even like her that much..."

,,I know, but this your dream! I won't be here at that time unfortunately, but if you don't go because of me too, I'll kill you Ivanova!"

,,Shut up! I mean, it is my dream, i think i'll try!"

Leo was so happy that he jumped really high. His eyes were full joy. Like he was actually going with her.

I felt like this would be kinda easy because she wasn't really popular and I mean really. But what if she was joking? No, she can't be! I'll try to do something! I had to get her attention and to try to be friends with Lisa. I am not a bad person, but this was an opportunity no one would ignore. I had to do it as soon as possible.

The next day at school I was already ready to talk to her. For the first time in 2 years. It wasn't weird, was it? Lisa's glasses were broken and I felt confused even though I don't like her that much. I walked to her.

,,Hey Lisa!" - I said kindly.

But all she did was ignoring me. Why she did that? Maybe it is not as easy as I thought?

,,Lisa?" - I said again.

She turned to me and said

,,Ivanova, get away from me!" - she replied angrily.

I wasn't really surprised. I mean she didn't like me that much, but did she has to be that mean? That's when I realised it really wasn't going to be easy. I followed Lisa secretly, I had to. I knew she was hiding something to be that mad. She took a step in the girl's restroom and that's when it hit me. No one in the school uses the bathroom for the stuff it is supposed to be used for. We used it either to cry or to make out and have sex. Not me though, I'm a virgin. And Lisa, she was definitely not making out with someone.

I went in the restroom where Lisa was. My eyes caught her on floor crying. Really hard. Like it was crying for help. I felt really bad for her so I sat next to her. The bathroom was silent. Nothing could be heard except Lisa's sobbing. She was trying to calm down, but it was hard for her to do it.


,,I'm sorry that I yelled at you, I am going through a lot right now." - poor Lisa told me.

,,I know we are not best friends, but I want you to feel safe. Can I do something for you?"

,,Well Vicky, thanks for your help, but i'll get better. I know I shouldn't tell you this, but..." - Lisa started crying even harder.

At this point I was scared for her. I know I didn't like her that much, but she really didn't deserve this. No one does. I wanted to help and it was kinda eating me inside that I couldn't.

,,Lisa, If you want we talk about the problem and solve it, if you don't, it's okay. Just try to calm down. Everything is going to be okay."

,,My mother... died yesterday and I'm just not myself. I don't feel myself anymore. My glasses -she pointed at them- you see they are broken, right? Martin broke them. His mother probably told him because our families are close. He always likes to bully me. But this time, he got too far." - She told me still trying to calm down.

Martin, this little bitch. He was the worst guy in school. Some people say he sleeps with a different girl every night. He is disgusting and for some reason this made me furious. Even more. I didn't even know what to say so I just hugged Lisa, tightly. My eyes were watering, I don't even know why. Suddenly I started liking Lisa. Why? I couldn't explain, it wasn't just because the Tokio hotel concert this time. Not anymore.

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