Party time

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I woke up. Not in my bed again. I was near the stage where I sang with Bill. I've shifted again. The concert was over so the boys were talking something. I went to hear what was it.

"Hey boys!"

"Oh Vicky, you are awake!" - Georg said.

"Yeah, I decided to take a performance. It was really cool though! Did y'all see me? I felt like a rockstar!" - I explained.

"We saw you, calm down. " - Tom again. I felt like he doesn't really like me. I didn't even know what to say at this point.

"Hm...what were you talking about?"

"Oh, yeah. We wanted to talk to you about it. - Bill told me - Would you like to be part of the band? Ta-daa!" - he was really excited and so was I.

"What? Yes of course!" - I hugged Bill. And then the others. Except Tom. He did nothing about it. He just gave me a dirty look.

"Stop looking at me like I am some kind of a bitch Kaulitz" - I was angry. I've always had anger issues. Seems like even in my desired reality.

"So nice to see your mean side...Ivanova" - he was making fun of me. That idiot.

,,Guys stop! Let's go partying! After parties are the best!" - Gustav told us. I wanted to go but I was scared that I would get drunk and I'll do something embarrassing. But I agreed anyway. When we arrived Georg went to some girls. I couldn't blame, he was handsome, tall and a bassist. Everyone adored him. Bill gave me a drink and told me to have fun. Gustav already had a beer in his hands. Nothing new. But Tom...he was just looking at me again. He was also with some girls which made me kinda jealous. I mean he is my crush and idol. But he was still looking at me, even though there were several females which looked like literal whores. Disgusting. I've always felt bad about these kind of females. They were all so pretty. Tom didn't really gave them the attention they wanted because he was either looking at me or looking at his glass of whiskey.
I ignored him and tried to have some fun. I drank some whiskey too. The one Bill gave me. Just like that glass by glass I felt like the world was shaking. That's when I realised I had to stop. I was drunk. I kinda liked this feeling because I could be myself and no one would notice if it was because I'm drunk or just because this is the actual me. I loved dancing, but I couldn't do it sober. I started dancing to the rhythm. Everything was waving, the colours could be seen by my eyes much worse than before. The only thing I hated about drunk nights was-

"Hey beautiful!" - a boy said to me. That's exactly what I'm talking about. I tried to ignore him but he wasn't giving up.

"Not interested, leave." - Like, come on, I wasn't that drunk.

"Just one chance, please? Just for the night?"

"Not happening. Get these skinny jeans out of here."

"You think you are something don't you? Fucking bitch."

"I said leave me the fuck alone." - someone pushed him away.

"Come on man. Go, now." - It was Georg. Thank goodness. My hero.

"Thanks Georg. I appreci- " - I kinda forgot what I was about to say.

"Vicky, Vicky." - he laughed and went to his girls again. I really wanted him to stay. I went outside to smoke my last cigarette as there was nothing else I could do.

"What did the jerk say?" - Tom Kaulitz. This boy was everywhere.

"Why do you care? - I lighted my cigarette - It's none of your business"

"I know you're drunk. I can tell from miles. He probably did too and decided to give it a try." - he also took a cigarette.

"Look, just tell me what do you want." - I asked.

"Straight to your face?"


"I wanna fuck with you."

,,What? Are you crazy? I'm not your whore"

" Calm down, I was joking. I want you to go home. Someone else could do the same thing to you again. Come, I'll help you."

,,Why are you being nice? You know I'm not fucking with you, right?"

,,I know, I know. Just come."
I followed him to his car and sat on the passenger seat. I was so sleepy that I couldn't stay awake and didn't even realised he has been probably drinking as well. I just turned to him to look at his beautiful face. He was kinda mean sometimes, but still beautiful.

"Stop staring at me." - he said.

"Fineeeee." - I opened the window and put my legs on it.

"Do you seriously have to do this right now?"

,,Yes Tom Kaulitz. I do. Why? Does it turn you on?"

"Nonsense! I'm not as easy as you think."

"Hm, okay. Aaaaas you say!" - when I told him that we were near the house. After a minute I went to my room. He came with me.

"What do you want?" - I asked but he just kept quiet. He just sat on the chair beside my bed and waited for me to fall asleep. He didn't have to wait long, just 5 minutes later I was sleeping. He went to the bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Suddenly he was the sweet Tom I imagined he was at the beginning. Why would he do that though?

All of a sudden I woke up again. In my current reality this time. I checked my phone to see the time and realised I was late for school.

"Shit!" - I jumped out of the bed and started getting ready as fast as I could.
The only thing I had at that moment was a white casual dress.
"Fuck my life." - I got dressed and took my skateboard to go to school faster. I didn't usually go to school with it but this was an emergency.

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