Chapter two, Aslan?

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(Your POV)

We were sailing across the river, I sat next to Edmund in the back. I looked around, you could almost see the silence. ''They're so still.'' Lucy says looking up. ''They're trees. What'd you expect?'' the dwarf sat. Lucy looked sad. ''They used to dance.'' I say from the other side of the boat. ''Wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded. Those who survived retreated to the woods. And the trees, they retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard from since.'' the dwarf explains us. ''I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?'' Lucy asks. ''Aslan? Thought he abandoned us when you lot did.'' the dwarf answers. ''We didn't mean to leave, you know.'' Peter says. ''Makes no difference now, does it?'' the dwarf says in reply. ''Get us to the Narnians... and it will.'' Peter says. We kept going for a while, all sitting in silence, watching before us. Eventually, we came to shore. The dwarf went to a tree to tie up the boat. Peter, Susan and Edmund pulled the boat out of the water and Lucy and I examined the place where we were. ''Hello, there.'' I hear Lucy say. I looked at her, then to where she was looking, it was a bear. ''Lucy, slow down.'' I say, walking towards her slowelly. The bear stood up to two paws, ''It's all right. We're friends.'' Lucy says as she walks towards the bear. The bear drops down to all four, ''Don't move, Your Majesty.'' The dwarf says. As he does the bear comes sprinting towards Lucy. I grab a rock from the ground and throw it on the bear, the bear looks at me, but keeps running towards Lucy. ''Hey, come here you asshole!'' I say while throwing another rock on the bear. Now the bear starts running at full speed to me, I unsheath my sword, ''Shoot! Susan, shoot!'' I could hear Edmund say to his sister. As the bear almost jumped me, it got shot in the heart. ''Thanks.'' I said to the dwarf, who shot him. Edmund runs up to me, grabbing my face, ''Are you okay?'' he asks worriedly. ''I'm fine, Ed.'' I say as I start making my way to Lucy. ''Are you okay, Lucy?'' I ask her. She nods in response. ''Why wouldn't he stop?'' Susan asks, still not believing it. ''I suspect he was hungry.'' The dwarf answers. The bear makes a small movement, without thinking I covered Lucy's eyes and threw one of my daggers straight in the head of the bear. The dwarf looks at the dagger in amazement. ''He was wild.'' Edmund says, we were now all walking towards the bear. ''I don't think he could talk at all.'' Peter says as he was still holding Lucy. ''Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become.'' The dwarf says. I grab my dagger out of the bear's head and put it back in my belt. ''You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember.'' The dwarf says to us all.

We walk further through the woods. ''I don't remember this way.'' Susan says. ''That's the problem with girls. You can't carry a map in your heads.'' Peter answers his sister. ''That's because our heads have something in them.'' Lucy states. ''Peter, I don't remember this is the best way. And I walked this forrest quit some more than you, my King.'' I say, the last bit sarcastic. ''I wish he'd just listen to the D.L.F. in the first place.'' Susan says, ''D.L.F.?'' Edmund asks. ''Dear Little Friend.'' Lucy explains, ''Oh, that's not at all patronising, is it?'' The dwarf says to Edmund and I, I snicker at the comment, so does Edmund. ''I'm not lost.'' Peter says, more to himself than to us. ''No. You're just going the wrong way.'' The dwarf replies to Peter. ''You last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Woods, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river.'' Peter says. ''But unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts.'' The dwarf explains. ''That explains it, then. You're mistaken.'' Peter says. ''Peter, we've been gone a long time. Has it crossed your mind that maybe, some things change over the years?'' I ask him, ''The General's right, My Lord.'' The dwarf replies. Peter chose to ignore us, so stubborn. We kept walking the way Peter thought we should go. But we ended up at the top of a precipice. ''Is there a way down?'' Peter asks, ''Yeah, falling.'' The dwarf answered. ''Well, we weren't lost.'' Peter says, defending himself. ''There's a ford near Beruna. How do you feel about swimming?'' The dwarf asks us. ''I'd rather that than walking.'' Susan replies. We turn to walk, ''Aslan?'' Lucy speaks, ''It's Aslan! It's Aslan over there!'' Lucy says, we all looked to where she was looking, but there was nothing there. ''Don't you see? He's right...'' Lucy says as she turns back around, but she stops herself. ''...there.'' She finishes her sentence, confused. ''Do you see him now?'' The dwarf asks Lucy. ''I'm not crazy. He was there. He wanted us to follow him.'' Lucy explains. ''I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood.'' Peter says, that's just unfair of him. ''I think she knows it when she sees Aslan.'' I defend her. ''Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist.'' The dwarf says. ''The last time I didn't believe Lucy I ended up looking pretty stupid.'' Edmund says. ''Why wouldn't i have seen him?'' Peter asks Lucy, ''Maybe you weren't looking.'' Lucy answers. ''I'm sorry, Lu.'' Peter says to his youngest sister, he turns around and Susan and the dwarf follow him. Edmund and I look at each other as Lucy looks one more time to the place she had seen Aslan. The three of us start walking after the others. ''You know, I did see Aslan.'' Lucy says to us. ''We know, Lu. We believe you. You'll probably end up being right.'' Edmund answers, nudging her shoulder lightly with his own. How he is a great brother. He has matured, yes. But he has grown too, on the inside as well as the outside.

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