Chapter 12, it's time

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(Your POV, 13 weeks later)

''Ed, I think that doesn't belong there, that should be on the other side.'' I snicker at him. He grunts in frustration. He was trying to put a crib together for the last two hours, and he couldn't do it. He walks over to me, I sit on his bed and he comes and sits next to me. ''You,'' He pointed at my stomach, that has grown a lot, it makes sense since I'm due in two weeks. ''You are a lucky baby, if it weren't for how scared i am for your mother, you would sleep in a pot.'' He says sarcastically. I laugh, ''Here, let me try.'' I stand up, not so easy, and walk to the 'crib', I look at the instructions. And half an hour later, there it stands, the crib. ''I can't believe you could do this and I couldn't'' Edmund lets himself fall on the bed. The crib was placed perfectly, on the other side of the bed in the room. It wasn't a big room, but it all worked perfectly. Helen also agreed that when the baby is born, we could share the room, so Lucy was also pretty happy that she would finally have her own room.

I was home alone. Edmund and Helen are working, Peter, Susan and Lucy are out in the city. They needed some things for their move to America. They are leaving in three months, together with Helen. Lucy was happy to go with Peter and Susan to the city, and I was glad I had a moment for myself, but that ended quickly.

I was reading my book and I started to feel some discomfort in my stomach. I didn't think too much about it, since it sort of felt like the baby was moving. But the feeling kept coming back. I decided to go to the backyard, to get some fresh air. I was sitting outside, but the feeling in my stomach kept getting worse. It didn't come a lot, but every ten minutes. I walk back inside, and my feet get wet. I look down, to only see my fucking stomach. So I lifted the bottom of my dress up so I could see that the material was wet. ''Fuck, shit, fuck. Not now, not now, fuck.'' I sigh. I walked towards the kitchen to grab a towel, only to get the feeling in my stomach again, it was a contraction. I grip the counter and breathe through it, it wasn't too bad yet, but it definitely wasn't comfortable. I grab a towel and walk back to the wet spot. I drop the towel on the ground and go with my feet over it to dry the floor. I knelt on the ground to grab the towel, but I couldn't get up anymore. ''Come on, come on! Fuck!'' I grunt, I keep trying to come up, but then another contraction comes, I sit on the ground, and try to keep my breathing steady. I eventually stop trying to get up, i couldn't fucking do it. I couldn't even get up, it made me want to cry, but I didn't dare let a tear fall.

Around thirty minutes and 5 contractions later, I hear the front door open and close. Just then I see Peter, Susan and Lucy walk in. They stop and look at me, then to the towel, then to my dress, and back to me. ''Y/n? What happened?'' Lucy asks, I sigh. ''I can't get fucking up.'' Peter and Susan immediately drop their bags and come over to me, each grabbing a hand and pulling me up. Just as I stand up, another contraction hits me, I squeeze their hands and grunt. ''Are you okay?'' Peter asks worriedly. ''My water broke forty minutes ago i think, and i keep getting contractions.'' I say, while breathing through the contraction. ''You're in labour?!" Susan asks, shocked, I nod. ''What do we do?'' Lucy asks with big eyes. ''Could someone call our doctor?'' I ask, Peter nods and runs to the phone. Susan walks with me towards the couch and sits next to me, Lucy sits opposite to me on a chair. ''Do any of you know when Edmund comes back?'' I ask them, Susan looks at the clock, ''He should be getting home any minute.'' She sighs in relief, it would be terrible to miss the birth of your child. Peter walks up to us, also bringing a glass of water for me, ''The doctor will come in an hour.'' He tells us, ''Is there anything we should do?'' Susan asks him, ''He said to get her in bed when the contractions are three minutes apart, at last.'' He explains, he sits down next to Lucy, just then we hear the front door. Edmund walks in with a smile, but it drops quickly when he sees all of us. He looks at Susan who is making circles with her hand on my back, and I'm as red as a tomato. ''What's wrong?'' He asks while slowly dropping his bag. ''Well, your gonna be a dad soon.'' I chuckle. His face fills with shock, ''Right now?'' He asks hurriedly, ''Yes, she's having contractions for a while now.'' Susan says while standing up to make place for Edmund. Edmund comes and sits next to me, grabbing my hand. ''For how long?'' He asks me, ''It started an hour ago I think.'' I tell him while laying my head on his shoulder. ''Did anyone call the doctor?'' He asks, Peter nods, ''He'll be here in an hour.'' Just then I lift my head from Edmund's shoulder and start squeezing his hand, while also grabbing the pillow with my other hand and squeezing in that. ''Another one?'' Susan asks, I nod. ''Keep breathing.'' Edmund says before turning to Susan. ''When was the last one?'' he asks her, ''Five minutes ago i think.'' I count in my head how long this one lasts, which is hard because of the pain. I breathed a sigh of relief that this one was over. ''This one lasted 46 seconds.'' Lucy speaks up, I look at her, with a smile that she counted for me. But then it hit me, ''Fuck, that's active labour.'' I sigh. ''I think you should go lay in bed.'' Peter says, I nod and Edmund helps me stand up. I walk towards the stairs, but stop in the middle, and slam my fist against the wall, it's another one. ''Okay, that one was very soon, can somebody call the doctor again?'' Edmund asks, Susan walks over to the phone and rings him. At the same time, as I still have my hands against the walls, Helen walks in. ''What is going on here?'' She asks, looking at all of the kids in front of her, who all are standing together nervously. ''Y/n is having the baby.'' Lucy says pointing at me, Helen looks at me and a smile forms on her face. ''How are you feeling?'' She asks, ''Never fucking better.'' I sigh while walking further towards the stairs. Helen turns to Edmund, ''How long? And how long are they apart?'' She asks, ''two to six minutes apart and last longer than 45 seconds.'' He explains before walking after me up the stairs.

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