Chapter 10, fight

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(4 weeks later)

(Susan's POV)

I was walking through the hall, making my way towards mathematics, until I heard cheers coming from around the corner. I walk towards it and see Peter, punching someone in the face. And next to him I see Y/n throwing someone against the lockers. You have to be kidding me. Three teachers make their way through the crowd and take all 4 of them towards the headmasters office. They walk past me and I look disappointingly at them, before turning around to follow them. ''Susan!'' I turn my head and see Edmund coming towards me. ''Have you seen Peter? He accidentally took my physics book with him this morning.'' He asks me, I sigh, ''He just got dragged towards the headmasters office, together with two other boys, and Y/n.'' I say disappointingly. ''Jeez, again? Are you going there now?'' He asks me, ''Yeah, you coming too?'' I ask, he nods and we make our way towards the office. We make our way towards the office and see Peter and Y/n waiting outside, both looking normal, like nothing happened. ''What was it now?'' I ask Peter, Peter looks at Y/n. ''Peter?'' I ask again. ''No, it was me. He helped me this time.'' Y/n answers. I look surprised at her, and so does Edmund. ''Why?'' Edmund asks. ''They were saying something nasty to a girl, she looked scared, so I went to stand next to her. Those boys told me to fuck off, i said no and then he said something, i punched him, Peter walked by, well, you get the idea.'' She sounds calm, way too calm. ''Y/n, you punched him, because they were simply telling you to go away?'' I ask disbelieved, she shrugs. Then the door of the office opens and the two boys walk out. One had a bruised eye and the other one had a bleeding nose. They definitely looked worse than Peter and Y/n. They walk in the office, and Edmund and I wait outside. 5 minutes later they walk out, ''And?'' Edmund asks. ''Detention next week.'' Peter answered, ''Which day?'' I ask, ''Every..'' Y/n says, not meeting my eye. ''Jezus...'' I sigh. ''But those other boys have to come two weeks.'' Peter looks at us, ''Really?'' Edmund asks, disbelieved with a smile. He nodded, ''Peter do you have my physics book?'' Edmund asks, Peter looks in his bag and gives it back. ''Y/n, don't you have physics too?'' I ask her, she looks at me, clearly thinking what her next class is. ''Yes, it is. Come on, love.'' Edmund answered, Y/n shrugged at me and they walked off. ''Peter, why didn't you stop her?'' I ask him, he looks down at his shoes. ''Those boys really deserved it. And, Y/n would kill me if I dragged her out of there.'' He tells me, I nod in understanding.

Two weeks ago, Peter got in a fight, surprise, surprise. Y/n went to help. But all of us, Edmund, Peter, Lucy and I, gave her a talk that she shouldn't do that because of the baby. Well, she wasn't having it. She then lectured us, about how she's more than capable of taking care of her and the baby. We eventually caved in, knowing that she would always stand beside us, even when Peter is in the wrong, she didn't care, she still helped. Edmund was worried, but let that go after a while. Y/n is the most stubborn person i have ever met, and i quite like it, but she doesn't know that, maybe even for the better.

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