Chapter 4, baby?

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(Edmund's POV)

We were walking towards base camp, where the rest of the Narnians were. I walked in the back with Y/n, but something was off. Normally she would talk and make jokes the whole way, but now, she was quiet. She grabbed my hand, but you could see she was lost in thoughts. ''What's on your mind, love?'' I asked her, and she met my eyes. ''Nothing, sorry.'' She says hurriedly. ''You know, if you want to talk, I'm always here.'' I say to her, she gives me a smile and squeezes my hand. ''Do you think that this war... Is gonna be the same as the battle against, well, you know?'' She asks me, clearly avoiding the Witches name. ''I don't know. But i do know that were all older now, and familiar with Narnia.'' I said comfortingly. ''Yeah, you're right.'' She answers.

(Y/n's POV)

I know I was quiet, but I was calculating in my head. Well, I just threw up, and that made me think. I haven't had my period in quite some time. And I had the feeling I have been a bit bloated the last couple of weeks. I mean, I couldn't be right?

While walking, I looked around me. Narnia was so beautiful. The trees alone, or the blue sky, I missed it. It made me forget about the other worries on my mind, so I was way more relaxed. And ready to fight this war, and send those bloody Tellmarines straight to hell.

After walking for a while, we came upon a huge field, where you could see Narnians practice fighting or do other things. The Narnians that walked in front of Edmund and I cleared the path so we could go to the other Pevensies up front, and Caspian of course. As we walked you could see centaurs lifting their swords while they formed a path inside a rock. I let go of Edmund's hand and let the Pevensies go up front, as Kings and Queens. Then I walked in, with Caspian next to me. We walked in and saw Narnians working inside, or they were watching us. ''It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible.'' Caspian said to Peter, Edmund and I. Susan and Lucy had already wandered off. ''Peter. You may want to see this.'' Susan suddenly says from a bit further in the cave. Edmund and I shared a look, before we followed Peter and Caspian towards Susan. We walked way deeper in, and saw paintings on the wall of us. The big highlights, if that's what you want to call it. Things like the coronation and the medal ceremony. Funny was that the paintings were quite easy, but it still had some details. Like Susan and Edmund freckles and my scars. ''It's us.'' Lucy said what we were all thinking. ''What is this place?'' I ask Caspian. ''You don't know?'' he asks us, he grabs a torch and walks even further into the cave. We all followed him, wondering where we were. We came into a big room, and Caspian held his torch against a liquid, and the fire made a circle around the room, it looked awesome. We all looked amazed around the room, seeing the walls engraved with figures, one is Aslan. Lucy walks forward, to the stone table. She lays her hand on the stone, and looks back at us. ''I hope he knows what he's doing.'' she said, ''I think it's up to us now.'' Peter reacts.

(Edmund's POV)

The rest of the day, we walked through the fort, learning to know our way. We helped the Narnians and even helped some soldiers to fight better. That was mainly Y/n, but Susan helped with the archery and I helped with the sword fighting. I was training with a faun, when he started to look to his left, I followed his gaze and saw Y/n fighting 3 other soldiers, and still winning easily. ''She's really good.'' The faun says to me, with disbelief. I chuckled, ''Well, she is after all the General.'' I say, ''I'm surprised you can actually see the scars on her face. I mean, the story's said so, but I didn't think they would show that much.'' He says to me, i look at her. He's right, I was used to it by now. ''Come on lad, take your rest, don't forget to keep practising.'' I said to the faun, and he walked away. I could see Y/n was done too, so I walked over to her. I laid my hand on her shoulder, she grabbed my arm and swung me over her shoulder. ''Shit! Ed, I'm sorry! You scared me.'' She says, helping me up. ''No, no. I should've known better.'' I say chuckling, ''Come on, we have to eat, i'm starving!'' I say, placing my arm around her shoulder and we started making our way inside. ''Ed?'' Y/n asks me, while making our way over the field. ''Yes?'' I ask, ''Have you ever thought about our future since we got back from Narnia? Like kids?'' She asks, ''Well, yes. I was very sad at first, I was ready and excited that we were gonna start a family. But i think i'm past that now, we can have kids in like, ten years.'' I say to her with a smile, she nods in response, awfully quiet. I tried not to think too much about it.

We made our way towards a big hall, with a bunch of tables with food on it. We made our way through to find my siblings. We saw them sitting on a table in the back, with the mouse we had met earlier and Caspian, together with a few other Narnians. I found a place between Susan and Caspian and Y/n sat further, with the mouse and Lucy. I couldn't help but notice that Susan and Caspian would glance towards each other, I know that look! I nudged Susan's arm and wiggled my eyebrows, she stomped me in the arm with a scoff. Peter, who sat in front of me, laughed, noticing the same thing I had. I got bored pretty soon, so I listened to the mouse telling stories. I should learn his name. After we had finished eating, Y/n said something to her end of the table and walked over to me, ''I'm going to bed, goodnight.'' She said to me as she leaned over my shoulder. ''Goodnight, i'll come in an hour or so, okay?'' I said, she squeezed my shoulder and walked off. I had talked with Caspian and Peter a bit more, but was with my head somewhere else, ''I'm off to bed too, goodnight!'' I wished them, and I walked off, towards the room Y/n and I slept. Susan and Lucy slept in the room next to us and Peter and Caspian a bit further away. I walked through the fort, turning left and right, until I came to our room. I pushed the curtain to the side so I could step in, of course there was no door because this is a stone cave that's made into a fort. I walked in, but saw the bed empty. I looked over to the window, and saw Y/n standing there. ''You aren't in bed yet?'' I ask her, she turners around and I can see her face, with tears running down her cheeks. ''Hey, what's wrong?'' I ask as she walks over to me. She places her face against my chest, not saying a word. I have never really seen her like this, most of the time, if she was hurt, she wouldn't show it like this. ''What is it?'' I ask her in a whisper. ''Ed.'' She says as she grabs my hand. ''You know how I puked this morning?'' She asks, I nod so she continues. ''It wasn't the first time. I have been for about two weeks.'' She says to me, ''Are you that ill?'' I ask, placing my hand on her forehead to see if she has a fever. ''No, that's just it.'' She says, now i'm confused. ''Ed... I have been rather bloated for weeks.'' She says, hoping I catch on, but I have no idea where she is going with this. ''Edmund, i haven't had my period in months.'' She says, I look at her, the realisation sinks in. ''You aren't saying that you are...'' I said to her, pointing slightly at her stomach. ''Yes, I think i am.'' She says in a whisper, worried that someone hears our conversation.

(Y/n's POV)

I looked at Edmund, his eyes wide. ''Ed.'' I say softly, grabbing his hand. ''You're pregnant?!'' he asks once again, in a whisper. I nod my head, ''Yes, i think so.'' I whisper back. ''Edmund, I don't know what to do.'' I say, erupting in tears again. He hugs me tightly, going with his hand through my hair. ''What are we going to do?'' I ask him, ''Do we have a lot of options?'' He asks me, ''I'm afraid not. I think i'm already at least 10 weeks, if i calculated correctly, and we are still here in Narnia, probably for quite some time.'' I said to him, ''What do you want?'' I asked him, ''Well, i'm not sure.'' He says to me, ''What about you?'' he asks, ''I don't know either.'' I say, letting go and looking at him, I could see he was crying too.

We got ready for bed, in silence, both not knowing what to say. Edmund layed in bed, I got in next to him. ''I'm don't think i'll be able to put it up for adoption.'' I said to him, ''Me neither. Does that mean, were gonna be parents?'' He asks me, ''I guess, i mean if you look at it that way, we are married.'' I said to him, I looked over to him, and I saw him, having the biggest smile on his face. His smile made me smile and actually look at it differently. ''I'm gonna be a dad.'' He whispers to me with excitement. ''You're gonna be a dad.'' I smiled back. ''I think there's a doctor here, do you think they'll know how it works with a human?'' He asks me, ''I think so. I read that the anatomy of the upper body, so also the womb, of a faun is the same as ours. They have a human half after all.'' I say to him, ''Maybe we can visit him tomorrow, before the meeting?'' Edmund asks, ''Smart, but except the doctor, no one can now yet. Not until we find out for sure if i'm pregnant'' I answer back, he looks at me, nodding that he understands. And with the idea that we might become parents, we both fell asleep.

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