Chapter 9, news for Helen

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(Author's note: I know, it's sad they left. But this story isn't over yet. I will be writing about their time in Finchley, enjoy!)

(two weeks since coming back from Narnia)

''Peter, have you decided what you're going to do next year?'' I asked him on our way back from school. ''I'm not sure, maybe I will go to America, to dad.'' He answers me, ''America, that's cool.'' I tell him, and he agrees with me. ''Can you tell mum i'm going around a friends house?'' Lucy asks Peter. ''What friend?'' He asks back, ''Louisa, you've met her.'' She sighs, ''Sure, i'll tell mum.'' He smirks. ''What are you up to today?'' Peter asks Edmund, ''We have a doctor's appointment, the first one out of Narnia.'' he replies to his brother. ''Have you already told mum?'' Peter asks, ''No. She's gonna go mad.'' I answer, ''Don't get me wrong. I love Helen, but how would you react if your sixteen year old son is having a baby?'' Peter laughs and nodded his head, ''I would kill him.'' He smiles at Edmund, ''Thanks, that help.'' He smiles back. ''You should tell her tonight.'' Peter says, ''Why?'' Edmund asks. ''Well, first of all. You can't hide it forever, you've just had an appointment so you can tell her everything about what's going on. And secondly, we are all at home too. We can jump in and help if necessarily.'' Peter looks at us. ''That's actually very kind of you, Peter.'' I was surprised. ''I also think it would be fun to see mum explode.'' He shrugs before running off the bus. We follow after him laughing. ''Okay, see ya later!'' Peter yells at us before going towards home. We walked into town to meet the doctor.

''Good afternoon doctor Riesel.'' I smile at him. ''Good morning! I assume you're the father?'' He asks Edmund, Edmund shakes his hand, ''I'm Edmund.'' He greets with a smile. I lay down on a chair, bed thing. The doctor gets his stethoscoop and listens to the heartbeat. ''That's a strong heartbeat, that's good news.'' He tells us, we were glad to hear. ''Do you know how far you are?'' he asks, ''Around 16 weeks.'' I answer. ''Yes, I guessed. Y/n do you know what will happen the next few weeks in your body and with the baby?'' He asks me, I look questioning at him. ''No, I thought so. Well, the baby is growing a lot right now. You can probably start seeing it in the next few weeks. The baby will also start tossing, turning and kicking soon, so you will feel that.'' He explains, great, sounds so great... ''Thank you, doctor. When do we have to come again?'' Edmund asks, ''I would say in two months again, unless you think it should be sooner.'' And with that we left the office and went back home.

''Hey! How did it go?'' Susan asks in a whisper, I stick up my thumb in reply, she looks relieved. ''Peter told me you're gonna tell mum tonight? That's great!'' She whispers to us, Edmund and I look at each other. ''You're not? Guys, you have to tell her some time. You can better have it over with.'' she says to us. ''She's right.'' Edmund looks at me, ''Fine...'' I sigh before walking up to Lucy's room to do homework. Yes, Lucy and I still shared a room. The house hasn't magically become bigger. And obviously boys and girls have to sleep separately, so certain things won't happen, well, too late...

''Hey!'' Lucy walks in the room, ''Hey! Did you have fun?'' I asked her. ''Yeah, we did.'' She smiles. ''Susan told me you're gonna tell her at dinner?'' Lucy asks me, ''I guess.'' I shrug. ''It's gonna be fine! She's gonna be thrilled to be a grandmother.'' Lucy comforts me. ''Yeah, maybe.'' i sigh. ''Oh, mum asked if you could help her with dinner. Peter offered to help but she didn't trust him in the kitchen.'' She says laughing at me, I chuckle. ''Alright, see you at dinner then.'' I smile and walk out of the room. I went down to the kitsch and saw Helen stirring in pots and cutting carrots at the same time. ''How can I help?'' I asked her, ''Could you cut up these carrots? And after that cook them with the peas? I have to run one quick attend, but will be back in time for dinner.'' She asks me, ''Of course I can.'' I smile at her. ''Great, thank you.'' She then walks out and goes to the store. I cut up the rest of the carrots, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I grab the hand and turn around, and place the knife against the throat. ''Jezus Edmund. I'm holding a knife!'' I tell him, ''Sorry, sorry. Didn't see that.'' He apologies. ''Should I set the table?'' He asks, ''If you could, please.'' I answered. He kisses my cheek and goes to grab plates. I finished up dinner and we went to eat dinner.

''So, how was your day Susan?'' Helen asks her oldest daughter. ''Quite good, i got an A on the book report i made.'' She answers smiling. ''That's really good Susan! Well done.'' Helen smiles. ''Mum, we need to tell you something.'' Edmund speaks up, ''So were jumping right in, alright...'' I say with a forced smile. ''Alright, spit it out!'' She says to Edmund and me. He looks at me, I gesture to him. ''Well, Y'n is pregnant.'' He says, looking at his mother. She looks at me, shocked, then she looks at Edmund. ''I'm sorry?'' She coughs. ''I'm sorry, Helen. Really.'' I say honestly. ''Well... Are you happy about it?'' She asked us, clearly with a forced smile. ''Yes, we are.'' Edmund says awkwardly. ''Very well then.'' She says, I was relieved, I thought there would be a whole speech about how irresponsible we are. ''But how could you let this happen? You are both still so young! You have your whole life before you.'' She sighs, putting down her cutlery. Well, there it was. ''Mum, they know that this probably wasn't the right time. But I believe they would make good parents who will be very caring.'' Peter rescues us. ''Yeah, I mean, look at how Edmund helps Lucy. Or look at what Y/n has done for us here, for the last year.'' Susan gestured at us. I mouth a thank you. ''And, wouldn't it be fun mum? You're gonna be a grandmother!'' Lucy says beaming. Edmund looks thankful at his siblings. ''Yes, that is all very true. I just want to make sure you know what you're doing.'' Helen smiles at us, before standing up and hugging us.

We had finished dinner and Lucy went to bed, usually I would come with her, and we would have a nice girl time. Most nights we would even read together before she went to sleep and I would go back downstairs. I was about to stand up, but was stopped. ''Y/n, Edmund. If i could have a quick word with you?'' Helen asks, Lucy looks at me. ''Get started, i will be there in a minute.'' I smile at her. Helen gestures for Peter and Susan to leave, so now it was just the three of us. ''I do want to make a few agreements.'' She says to us, we nod at her. ''You both need to find a job. You will need to lay down money for food and other things. And of course, the child is your full responsibility.'' She says to us. ''Of course, we will start looking for jobs immediately. And indeed, they are our full responsibility.'' I agree with her, Edmund nods fiercely in agreement. ''Good, well, you can go to Lucy, Y/n.'' She smiles at me, and I stand up to find Lucy.

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