Chapter three, sick

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(Your POV)

We've been walking for a while, following Peter. We end up at the brim of the forest, what was weird. Because not even the dwarf expected it to be this close. And he was right, it was technically still the forest, but allot of trees were cut down, making a huge openfield. We kneel behind trees who have been cut down, looking over the field. Telmarines were everywhere, making weapons or doing other work. Horses come out of the forest on to the field, close to us. We bend down, hoping they wouldn't see us. ''Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all.'' Susan whispers to Peter, I snort at her, you think so Susan? Susan looks at me disapproving. ''She's right, you only think of that now?'' Edmund whispers back. Peter walks back into the woods, us following him once again. We walk back to the place where Lucy had seen the Lion. ''So where exactly do you think you saw Aslan?'' Peter asks, ''I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups. I don't think i saw him, I did see him.'' Lucy says. ''I am a grown-up.'' the dwarf says, you can see Peter thinks the same, he is eighteen after all. ''It was around there.'' Lucy says pointing at a space near us. ''What do you mean 'around'?'' Susan asks. ''Well, more like, under it. Maybe i can climb down?'' Lucy says, already walking over. ''No!'' Edmund says, grabbing his sister's arm. ''Why?'' Lucy says, ''He's right, you could fall.'' Peter says sternly. ''Alright, where did you see him? I'll climb down.'' I say, ''No, why?'' Edmund says, now worried about me too. ''You said it was around there right?'' I say, walking over to where Lucy pointed. ''Maybe we have to think this through.'' Edmund tries again. ''Ed.'' I say strictly. ''Fine...'' He says, knowing that this is my job, and knowing that I would do it anyways. I walked further to where Lucy was pointing. ''Yeah, it was right over-'' Lucy stops as the ground beneath me collapses. I fall through the ground, down. ''Y/n!'' Edmund and Susan shout.

They all rushed over to where the ground collapsed beneath me, where I had stood seconds ago. They look over the edge, and see me sitting there, only a few feet below them. ''-there.'' Lucy says, letting out a small laugh. Edmund jumps down and hugs me tightly, letting out a breath he was holding. ''I'm okay, love.'' I whisper in his ear, he lets go of the hug, still holding onto my hips, giving me a quick kiss on the head, relieved. We helped the rest down, and our journey continued after Peter nudged my shoulder and Susan gave me a quick side hug. We continued to walk down, Lucy holding my hand with Edmund behind us and the rest up front. When we got down, we had to walk over some slippery rocks. Everyone was careful, Lucy almost fell, but the dwarf catched her slightly. Edmund walked last and I walked in front of him. But I slipped and catched myself... by stepping with my other foot in the water. ''Shit!'' I say, Edmund starts laughing at me, ''Shut up.'' I say as he gives me a hand. We continued walking, only one getting a soaked shoe. It got dark soon, so we made a fire on a clear space and layed around it. We were all pretty tired from walking all day, but also incredibly happy we were back, of course not because of the best circumstances, but still. Peter, the dwarf, Edmund and I all fell asleep quickly, Lucy and Susan a bit after us.

Lucy wakes up, getting up almost immediately. Walking off into the forest. Peter and I wake up, look at Lucy walking off, and then look at each other. We stood up and went after her. ''Aslan?'' Lucy asks, Peter grabbed her from behind. Covering her mouth and getting her to the ground. She looks frightened at us, but then relaxes when she notices it was just us. The tree of us looked over the stone we were behind. We saw a minotaur walking, the last time they were with the Witch. Peter walks up slowly, grabbing his sword, he gets attacked almost right away. A boy, around the same age, with brown hair. I grab Lucy once again and get her down. Peter and the boy clang their swords against each other, both attacking. Peter manages to knock him in the face, he takes the advantage and holds up his sword high, right before slamming it down. The boy had enough time to block Peter. Both going for attack right away. They hold their swords against one another, both putting immense pressure on it, hoping the other would let his sword fall. Peter releases, and starts waving with his sword at the boy, he dodges it and it gets stuck in a tree. Peter tries to grab it out of the tree, but the boy pushes him to the ground. As he tries to attack I come from behind. I block his attack on Peter with my own sword, I grab his arm, turn it around as I walk around him. He drops his sword and he's with his back towards me. I hold his hand and turn it around, because of it, he leans slightly forward. I take that advantage and push my feet on the back of his knee. He falls onto one knee, as he does, I grab my dagger, hold it onto his throat, push my shoe in the other back of the knee so he would be with both knees on the ground. I placed my foot onto his ankle, applying slight pressure. I held my dagger against his throat. ''No, stop!'' Lucy shouts to us, a lot of narnians start to surround us, mainly looking at Peter and the boy, not even looking at the person who is holding the boy on his knees with a dagger against his throat. Peter looks at the boy i have at knife point, ''Prince Caspian?'' Peter asks him, this is the man we've been looking for? The man who just attacked the High King of Narnia? ''Yes? And who are you?'' He asks Peter, as he was about to answer, Susan, Edmund and the dwarf arrive, ''Peter!'' Susan shouts to her brother. Caspian looks at Peter, then to the sword that lays on the ground that belongs to Peter. ''High King Peter.'' Caspian says. As the words leave his mouth, all the Narnians kneel for their Kings and Queens. After around thirty seconds they stand up, looking at all the Kings and Queens. ''Peter, could you maybe ask your servant, to release me?'' Caspian asks, but he said 'servant' in a nasty way, so i put more weight on his ankle with my food and push the dagger harder against his skin. ''You can let him go, it's alright.'' Peter orders me, I let go of Caspian, although i would've liked to hurt him just a bit more, selfish prick. Caspian stands up, he turns around and looks at me, as does the rest of the Narnians now, i could hear whispers among them, stuff like, ''Is that the General?'' or ''Is that Y/n?'' Most of them ask. Caspian rubs his throat, ''Oh sorry, did the servant hurt you, my Prince?'' I say with sarcasm. ''Have some respect.'' He says back to me. ''Hey!'' Edmund now says, because of Edmund's reaction, Caspian turns back to me. ''General Y/n?'' he asked me. ''Yes, that's me.'' I say sternly. The Narnians salute me immediately. ''At ease, my soldiers.'' I say to them. ''I believe you called?'' Peter asks Caspian. ''Well, yes, but... I thought you'd be older.'' Caspian says, ''If you like, we could come back in a few years...'' Peter says. ''No. No, that's alright. You're just... not what i expected.'' He says, looking at us, but a bit longer at Susan. ''Neither are you.'' Edmund says, also looking at a minotaur. ''A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes.'' A badger says, i recognise the saying. It's something I would say to my soldiers after the Witch's defeat. Because 'enemy's' wanted to join, they were just soldiers who had gotten free of the Witch. I smile at the badger, surprised he said that. ''We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege.'' A mouse says to Peter, then he turns to me, ''Our hearts and swords are at your service.'' The mouse says to me, I chuckle at his words. ''Oh my god, he's so cute.'' I could hear Lucy whisper to Susan. The mouse unsheathed his sword and started pointing it at people, ''Who said that?'' He says, ''Sorry.'' Lucy replies. ''Oh, uh... Your Majesty, with the greatest respect, I do believe 'courageous,' 'courteous,' or 'chivalrous' might more befit a knight of Narnia.'' He explains to Lucy. ''Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade.'' Edmund says to the mouse, ''Yes, indeed. And i have recently put it to good use securing weapons for your army, sire.'' The mouse replies. ''Good. Because we're going to need every sword we can get.'' Peter says, mostly to Caspian. ''Well, then you will probably be wanting yours back.'' Caspian says as he grabs Peter's sword from the ground and hands it to him.

''Hey, General?'' Caspian comes up to me, ''What can i do for you?'' I asked him. ''Could you order your men to leave in about five minutes? These are all soldiers, they'll probably listen to you best.'' He explains. ''Of course I can. And please call me Y/n. My apologies for earlier, I can get a bit defensive from time to time.'' I said to him, ''Ah, no I was equally to blame, Y/n. And please call me Caspian as well.'' He said back to me, I held out my hand and he shook it. ''All right, listen up!'' I started, all the soldiers and Kings and Queens turned to me. ''I heard that we'll be leaving in five minutes, gather your things. Dismissed.'' I said, feeling at my place, soldiers were after all the people I was closest to before we left. They all went to grab their things and Lucy came up to me. ''Y/n? I wanted to ask you something.'' She said to me, I looked at her, raising my eyebrow so she would continue. ''Do you also have the feeling that they look more up to you then the rest of us? You know, the Narnians?'' She asks me, suddenly i'm very nauseous, but i try to push the feeling away. ''Yeah, I think I did. Mostly when we met the dwarf.'' I answered, okey, now I feel worse. ''Yeah, he saluted you, but not us. We'll i don't mind, but I just noticed it.'' She says, I nod in response. ''Y/n, are you feeling okay?'' Lucy asks me with a worried look. As soon as she asked, I ran towards a tree and went behind it, throwing up. Lucy runs after me, holding back my hair. ''Sorry.'' I say to her, ''No worries, maybe it's the excitement from coming back.'' She says. Wow, for a twelve year old, she sure is very wise. ''Yeah, maybe...'' I said to her, not long after we walked back to Edmund and Susan. ''Where did you two go?'' Susan asks us, ''Y/n threw up.'' Lucy shrugs, Edmund looks at me worried. ''Are you alright?'' He asks, rubbing my back. ''Yeah, I think i am, thanks dear.'' I say to him with a small smile. Peter and Caspian started walking, Susan and Lucy followed, then the rest of the Narnians, and Edmund and I closed the line.

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