Chapter 7, battle

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(Y/n's POV)

I rushed towards the Stone Table, looking for Peter. When I got there, Lucy was there as well. ''Pete, you'd better come quickly.'' I say to him, he and Lucy stand up and follow me. We got a few floors higher, standing outside with Caspian and Edmund. We could see hundreds of Telmarines with heavy armoury come out of the woods, onto the field.

''Cakes and kettledrums. That's your big plan?'' Trumpkin said to Peter and I. We were making a war plan at the Stone Table. ''Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!'' Trumpkin exclaimed worriedly. ''It's our only chance.'' Peter explains, ''And she won't be alone.'' Susan ads. ''Then I'm going with you.'' Trumpkin says to Lucy. ''No. We need you here.'' Lucy smiles at him. ''We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back.'' i explain, ''If i may...'' Caspian starts. ''Myraz may be a tyrant and a murderer... but as king, he is subject to the traditions... and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time.'' He says.

''So it's settled then. Edmund will go to Miraz, together with you two.'' I point to a bear and a centaur. ''But I will be coming too.'' I say, not wanting to leave Edmund alone to the enemy.

''No you won't.'' Peter says, ''He's right, you have to be a bit more careful now.'' Susan says. ''I could defeat all of you with my eyes closed while using only my left hand. How come you, now, don't trust me with that? I've made the decision, I'm coming.'' I tell them. ''Can we order her to stay?'' Lucy asks the others. ''If I may, it's probably a good idea to send a high army rank with you. To show who's stronger.'' Reepicheep tells the Kings and Queens. ''Thank you!'' I say pointing at him. ''Y/n, please, you know you are still capable to defend yourself, but these are just precautions.'' Peter tells me. ''God, you guys are even worse than Edmund.'' I tell them, ''Hey!'' Edmund says, clearly not getting in the middle of this discussion. ''We just want to protect you, and your baby.'' Lucy explains. Narnians gasp and look at me and Edmund. ''Right... Sorry.'' Lucy says looking down. ''I'm coming and that's final. You can order me, but I'm still coming. It's my job to protect you, so I will.'' And with that I left the room. ''She's so stubborn.'' I could hear Susan laugh at the others.

Twenty minutes later, we were walking over the field. On our way towards Miraz. As we got closer, Edmund started to walk even closer to me. We made our way over their camp in the woods, towards the tent of Miraz and his men. Edmund and I got in, the bear and centaur waited outside. ''I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of the battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender.'' Edmund reads. ''Tell me, Prince Edmund...'' Miraz starts, ''King.'' Edmund corrects. ''Pardon me?'' Miraz asks, ''It's 'King Edmund' actually. Just 'King' though. Peter's the high king. I know, it's confusing.'' Edmund says. Miraz looks at Edmund, bewildered. ''Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?'' Miraz asks. ''Excuse me, My King.'' I apologise to Edmund, before turning to Miraz. ''Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct.'' I told him. ''And so you will be again.'' Miraz answers. ''Then you should have little to fear.'' Edmund says. ''This is not a question of bravery.'' Miraz laughs, ''So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?'' Edmund sassed back. ''I didn't say I refused.'' Miraz tells Edmund. Good, this is how we thought it would go, he was blinded by his own ego. ''Sire, our military advantage alone provides the perfect excuse to avoid what might otherwise be-'' A man said at Miraz's table. ''I'm not avoiding anything!'' Miraz stands up. ''You.'' Miraz points with his sword at Edmund. ''You should hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen.'' Miraz ads.

The Narnians cheered for their king as we walked out of the howl. All in armour and Peter wearing a helmet as well. Edmund hands Peter his sword, and as Pete grabbed it, the Narnians start cheering again. Peter walked forward, so did Miraz. ''There is still time to surrender.'' Miraz speaks to Peter. ''Well, feel free.'' Peter answered him. ''How many more must die for the throne?'' Miraz asks, ''Just one.'' Peter says as he pulls the front of his helmet down. Peter charges forward, their swords clang against each other. Peter goes again, but Miraz blocks it with his shield and then slams the shield against Peter's head, thank Aslan for the helmet. They went on with clanging their swords against each other. Miraz goes for Peter's head, but he dodges the sword just in time. But them he slams the shield against Peter's head and his helmet flies off. Edmund stood straighter, scared for his brother. When Miraz went for Peter's head again, Peter got an advantage and slit Miraz's leg. Miraz went for Peter's legs, Peter could jump over it just in time. Miraz started attacking, attack after attack. Peter defends, but eventually gets knocked to the ground. Miraz steps on Peter's shield, disabling Peter's arm. Peter got attacked again, but blocked it and rolled over, eventually slamming Miraz to the ground. We could see Caspian and Susan coming back out of the forest, but no Lucy. ''Does his Highness need a respite?'' Miraz asks Peter, ''Five minutes?'' Peter asks in reply, ''Three!'' Miraz answers. And with that they both walked towards their own side. ''Lucy?'' Peter asked Susan worried, ''She got through... with a little help.'' Susan looks at Caspian. ''Thanks.'' Peter said to Caspian, ''Well, you were busy.'' He answered. ''You better get up there, just in case.'' I told Susan, she nodded and walked into the howl. Susan hugs Peter, ''Sorry.'' She says as he winces because of his arm, ''It's alright.'' he answered. ''Keep smiling.'' Edmund says to Peter while looking at the Narnians. Peter raised his sword, to lift up the spirit, and it helped. ''I think it's dislocated.'' Peter says about his arm. I walk over to his arm. ''What do you think happens back home if you die here?'' Peter asks Edmund who was standing beside me. Edmund looks at Peter, ''You know you've always been there, and I never really...'' Peter starts, but then I place his arm back in place. ''Ah!'' he gasps, ''Save it for later.'' Edmund says to Peter before getting Peter's sword and giving it to Peter. Both Kings decided to not wear their helmets. As soon as they walked towards each other, the fight began again harshly. Both going full attack mode, hoping to win this quickly. Miraz starts hitting Peter with his shield, over and over again. He falls against a pillar and then onto the ground. He tries to get up but Miraz attacks him right away. Peter tackles him and Miraz falls onto the ground. Both Kings stood up quickly. Peter loses his shield, Miraz his sword. Peter starts slamming with his sword and Miraz eventually unarms him. He slams with his sword against Peter and he falls against a pillar. Miraz waves a sword at Peter's head but he dodges, slamming his fist onto the leg wound of Mraz. ''Respite! Respite.'' Miraz says while falling to the ground. Peter stands above him with a sword, clearly winning. ''Now's not the time for chivalry, Peter!'' Edmund shouts at his brother. Peter starts walking away, but Miraz suddenly attacks from behind. ''Look out!'' Edmund shouts. Peter dodges just in time. He grabs Miraz's sword and stabs him in the chest. ''What's the matter, boy? Too cowardly to take a life?'' Miraz asks Peter. Peter drops his sword, ''It's not mine to take.'' He says, turning around and walking towards Caspian. Peter holds out the sword for him. Caspian walks up to Peter and grabs the sword. He raised his sword, ''Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine king after all.'' Miraz says to Caspian. Caspian stabs the sword into the ground, ''Keep your life. But I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom.'' Caspian says and walks back to us. Edmund grabbed my hand, we were both relieved and proud. The Narnians started cheering. We could see one of the men of Miraz stab him with one of Susan's arrows, only now, will the war begin. ''Treachery! They shot him!'' That same man shouts over the field. ''Get ready!'' I shout to the soldiers behind me. They start firing stone's at us, ''Keep your positions!'' I ordered, we weren't running. Then the Telmarines started charging towards us, coming with great speed. Peter started counting, ''Eight, nine...''' Peter counted. ''Get ready!'' I shout, then the ground under the Telmarines starts to fall down. Lot's of them falling in, or others getting stabbed by arrows. ''Charge!'' Peter shouts, and with that, we started attacking. I ran forward, Edmund on a horse with a crossbow. We saw that the biggest part of the Telmarine army still had to come. We all looked at each other, knowing that we were outnumbered. ''Back to the howl!'' Peter yelled. But as we did, the Telmarines throwed rocks onto it, and it collapsed. We were trapped. We kept fighting, but we were heavily outnumbered. But not one of us let our guard down, we kept fighting, for Narnia. I kept fighting, killing Telmarine after Telmarine. But I was more careful, but that's a good thing. Edmund fought mostly beside me. I charged for a Tellmarine, he tried for my feet, but I jumped over. He took that as an advantage and slammed his fist in my face. But he retreated his arm too slowly, so I could grab it, twist it and then slice his throat from behind with one of my daggers. I looked over to Edmund, he was fighting a soldier, but one was sneaking up from behind. I threw my dagger to the soldier and it hit right in the chest. I ran towards him and grabbed my dagger, ''Thanks, love.'' Edmund says to me before he starts attacking again, and so do i. But now even more Telmarines started to arrive. But suddenly, trees start charging towards the telmarines. They blast the Telmarines with their roots. ''For Aslan!'' Peter shouts while charging forward, ''For Aslan!'' everyone shouts and starts charging with new energy. The Telmarines run back, towards the river. But there was Lucy, waiting for them on the other side of the river. She grabs her dagger. We stood behind the Telmarines, and Lucy infront. But Aslan walked next to Lucy, he was here. The Telmarines went for the river, that was a mistake. Because Aslan was waiting for them on the other side. As the Telmarines charge, Aslan let's out a mighty roar. The Telmarines stop in the water, because it started the to move around them. Suddenly a huge wave starts coming towards the Telmarines, that turned in to a huge man made out of the water, a god. He took out the Telmarines that were in the river, and he broke the bridge. The rest of the Telmarines surrendered and gave their weapons.

We walked up to Aslan, kneeling before him. ''Rise, kings and queens of Narnia.'' He says to us, so Peter, Susan and Edmund stand up. I stayed down with Caspian. ''All of you.'' Aslan says to Caspian. ''I do not think i am ready.'' Caspian answers. ''It's for that very reason I know you are.'' Aslan says, so Caspian rises. ''Rise, General. You have my congrats, as do you Edmund.'' He smiles at us, ''Thank you.'' Edmund answers. Then, out of the water mise appear with a dying Reepichiep with them. Lucy hurried to his aid, and gave him a drop of her cordial. He awoke, ''Thank you, my Majesty.'' He tanked Lucy. He got up and noticed Aslan before him. ''Oh! Hail, Aslan! It is a great honour to be in...'' Reepichiep started before almost falling over. He then noticed that his tail was missing, ''I'm completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion.'' He apologises to Aslan. ''It becomes you well, small one.'' Aslan chuckles. ''All the same, great king, I regret that I must withdraw, for a tail in the honour and glory of a mouse.'' Reepichiep says, already holding his sword in his hand. ''Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend.'' Aslan tells him. ''May it please Your High Majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honour denied to our chief.'' Another mouse says, all the mice hold up their tail and raise their swords. ''Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people.'' Aslan speaks to Reepichiep. Reepichiep looks behind him and sees his tail again. ''Thank you my liege. I will treasure it always.'' Reepichiep thanks Aslan. ''Now where is this dear little friend you were talking about?'' Aslan asks Lucy. We all turn to Trumpkin, he notices this and walks over to us slowly. He kneels before Aslan, and Aslan replies in a loud roar. ''Do you see him now?'' Lucy asks laughing.

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