Chapter one, Underground

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(Y/n POV)

I was standing outside the Underground with Susan, at a newspaper stand. Suddenly a boy comes to stand next to us, not looking away from Susan. ''You go to Saint Finbar's?'' the boy asks Susan, i don't think he noticed me. ''That's right.'' Susan replies. ''I go to Hendon House. Across the road.'' The boy says, clearly not getting the signals. ''That's lovely.'' I now answer him, he looked at me, but looked back again to Susan. ''I've seen you... Sitting by yourself.'' The boy says to Susan. ''Yes, well... I prefer to be left alone.'' Susan replies, come on, if you don't get the hint now. ''Me too.'' he says, clearly not noticing the crystal clear signals. ''What's your name?'' the boy asks. ''Phyllis.'' Susan answers, I let out a snort, brilliant. ''Susan! Y/n'' Lucy says, running over to us. 'Ýou'd better come quickly.'' Lucy says to us. The three of us ran across the street into the Underground. As we get in, we can hear a lot of children shouting. We went towards the shouting and saw Peter getting beaten up by four way bigger boys. Without thinking, I dropped my bag and ran past the kids to help Peter. ''Y/n!'' I could hear Susan and Lucy shout, trying to stop me. But I immediately punched one kid to the ground. Then I grabbed another one by his collar, kicked him in the nuts, and then as he bows over out of pain, I knee him in the face. I see Edmund has come down, and punched one of the boys, now there was one, as I wanted to storm over to him, but I could hear whistles. Some soldiers, who keep order, come to us, ''Break it up, break it up.'' they say. ''Act your age, needing a girl to save you...'' one of the soldiers said to Peter. I stick out my middle finger to the soldier who made the 'girl' comment. But before I could get a fee or get arrested or something, Edmund grabs my hand and puts it in his. ''He's not worth it.'' he says to me. ''I could put him in the hospital with my left hand if i wanted too.'' I muttered. ''I know you can.'' he says. After walking through the station, we went to sit on a bench. I stood on the end of the bench next to Edmund. ''You're welcome.'' Edmund says to Peter, who sat next to him. 'I had it sorted.'' Peter answered. 'No, Y/n came and helped, as usual, Peter.'' Edmund said. ''What was it this time?'' Susan asks. ''He bumped me.'' Peter answers, like it's the most normal thing ever. ''So you hit him?'' Lucy asks disappointingly. ''No. After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologise. That's when I hit him.'' Peter states. ''Is it that hard just to walk away?'' Susan asks. ''I shouldn't have to. I mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?'' Peter asks us. ''Um, we are kids.'' Edmund says. Yeah, we noticed too, Ed and I were ready for kids, it's hard if you then get back and you have to let that idea go. ''I wasn't always. It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?'' Peter asks. ''I think it's time to accept that we live here.'' Susan says. 'Just try to ignore assholes like these the next time, Peter.'' I said to him, ''Y/n you have to stop helping him every time. Your not the General here, it's not your job to safe us.'' Susan says to me. ''I will always save your asses.'' I say as a response. ''Oh, no.'' Susan suddenly says, I look towards where she was looking, it was the boy from the paper stand. ''Pretend you're talking to me.'' Susan says, i just started laughing. ''We are talking to you.'' Edmund says confused. ''Ow!'' Lucy yelps loud. ''Quiet, Lu.'' Susan says. ''Something pinched me!'' Lucy says. ''Stop pulling!'' Peter says to Edmund, ''I'm not touching you!'' Edmund defends himself. ''Would all of you just... What is that?'' Susan says. ''It feels like magic.'' I say. ''Quick, everyone hold hands.'' Susan says. ''I'm not holding your hand!'' Edmund says to his brother. Peter grabs my arm and places me between the boys, great, I was the solution. I held Peter and Edmund's hand and looked in front of me. The train went so fast, things started to fly everywhere, but no one seemed to notice. The tiles started to fall off the walls, flying everywhere. We all looked at the train and slowly, something else started to form behind it. Suddenly the Underground was gone and we were standing in a cave on a beach! We all looked at each other, with smiles on our faces. We were in Narnia, back home. Lucy grabbed my hand and we ran out of the cage onto the beach. The rest followed us quickly. We take off our jackets and our shoes, running in the sea. We start splashing water onto each other. Lucy falls in, i try to help her up, but she just pulls me in asswell. I sneak up to Edmund, grab him from behind and jank him in the sea. After enjoying the water for a short while. Edmund looks up, ''Where do suppose we are?'' Edmund asks us. I look up, now knowing what he means. ''Where do you think?'' Peter asks. ''Well, I don't remember any ruins in Narnia.'' I say, walking out of the water. They all looked up at the many ruins that stood on the cliff. We made our way up and were now exploring the ruins. It looked strangely familiar, but there wasn't ringing a bell. ''Wonder who lived here.'' Lucy says. I walked towards Lucy, but found something in the grass, so I picked it up. It was a golden chess piece, I recognised it immediately. ''I think we did.'' I say, they all walk up to me, wondering what was in my hand. ''Ed.'' I say, I throw the piece at him. ''Hey, that's mine. From my chess set.'' He says, examining the piece. ''Which chess set?'' Peter asks. ''I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?'' Edmund states the obvious. ''Can't be.'' Lucy says, she runs off, we all follow her. ''Don't you see?'' She says, she starts placing her siblings in a row. Then me slightly behind them. I know this order. ''Imagine walls. And columns, there.'' She says, i know where we are. ''And a glass roof.'' I add. ''Cair Paravel.'' Peter says.

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