Chapter 6, castle

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(Y/n's POV)

Edmund and I sat on a gryphon, and we were nearing the Telmarine castle. ''Just, stay by my side, okay?'' He asks me, ''If you do the same.'' I say back. The gryphon lets us down on a tower. On the level below us, we could see a guard. I pointed at me, then to the guard, to let Edmund know I'll take care of him. He nods that he understands. I slowly get down from the tower. I walked towards the guard from behind, he was walking towards Edmund. I grab my dagger. When I get to him, I cover his mouth and then cut his throat. ''Clear.'' I whispered to Edmund, so he came down too. Edmund walks over to the edge, to send the message to Peter, Susan and Caspian. A part of our soldiers came in too, to open the gate for the others. ''And now, we wait.'' I sighed, ''Now we wait.'' Edmund replies. Edmund starts throwing his torch up and in his hand. ''You're close to the edge, remember.'' I told him, ''I know, dear.'' He says back. ''Shit.'' Edmund suddenly says. ''What?'' I turn to him, ''I dropped it.'' He said to me, ''No, you didn't.'' I ran to the edge and looked down. A Telmarine picked it up and turned it on. ''He's gonna signal the troops!'' I say worried. ''I'll take care of it.'' Edmund says as he jumps down and starts fighting the Telmarine. ''Now, Ed! Now!'' Peter shouts from below. ''I'm a bit busy Pete!'' Edmund shouts back, ''Y/n! Signal the troops!'' Edmund shouts to me. I jump down and almost bump into another soldier, I grab my sword and start fighting. ''Duck!'' I could hear Ed say, so i did, and he waved his sword at the soldier I was fighting, ''Grab the torch!'' He tells me, I run over to the torch to signal the troops. ''It won't turn on!'' I tell Ed, he took down the soldiers. ''Let me try.'' I hand him the torch and he starts slamming it against his fist. One of the soldiers who was laying on the ground sneaks up to Edmund. I held my sword by Ed's neck and could block the soldier's sword. I start fighting him, sword against sword. Edmund got the torch on and signalled the troops. I throw my sword to the Telmarine, and he catches it. So now I had the opening, I threw one of my daggers into the side of his neck. He drops the swords and I grab mine and my dagger. We got over to the side and we could see Narnians and Telmarines fighting. Then archers came, one took ame for Peter, and Edmund pushed him over the edge. ''Edmund!'' Peter shouted, and the archers took notice of Edmund. He starts running towards a door, those archers following. I could now get down and help the others. I got attacked and I attacked. But we were losing. They went to close the gate, a minotaur got under it and held it up for the others, but he couldn't do that forever, we need to hurry. ''Fall back!'' Peter shouted to us all, ''Go! Get out of here!'' I yelled too. ''Y/n, come on!'' Susan said to me. ''You know I can't leave them.'' I said to her, ''No, no, come on!'' She tried to grab my hand. ''Get her out of here, now!'' I shouted to a centaur, he pulled Susan on to him. ''Y/n, no!'' She yells, tears started to form in both our eyes. ''I love you!'' I shouted to her. ''I love you too!'' She yelled back. Peter, Caspian and other Narnians got out. I could also see Edmund get away on a gryphon, thank Aslan he was safe. I kept attacking Telmarines, together with some other Narnians. ''Hurry! Get out!'' I tried, some got out. I could see Peter looking back at me, already turning around. ''Get Peter back to camp! That's an order!'' I shouted. Thank god someone heard and took him with them. The Telmarines started to fire on the minotaur who was holding the gate. He looked at me and I nodded, it was okay. He did what he could. ''Listen up! Keep fighting, but make your way towards me!'' I shout to the Narnians. They did as I said, and made their way towards me. ''We're gonna get out, okay? Follow me, and keep fighting.'' I ordered them.

(Edmund's POV, few minutes earlier)

I get cornered on a tower, surrounded by Telmarines. I looked over my shoulder and saw a gryphon under me, so I let myself fall off the tower, and a gryphon catched me. I looked down and saw Peter getting towards the gate. I also saw Y/n and Susan together with a centaur, they're getting out. So we flew back to base camp, not fast, but we were getting there.

I landed, and as I did, the other Narnians that survived came back. Lucy ran out with a smile, but dropped it immediately when she saw our numbers.

(Lucy's POV)

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