Chapter 14, goodbye

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(Your POV)

The day has come. Peter, Susan and Helen leave to go to America. We had all packed our last stuff and were standing downstairs, ready, as best as we can be, saying goodbye. Lucy doesn't let go of Susan, crying her eyes out. Peter is holding Otis and saying bye to his brother, and I stand with Helen. ''Thank you so much for the last years, they've been amazing.'' I give her a hug, ''Thank you, Y/n, for being my extra daughter.'' She smiles. I walk over to Susan and Lucy, Lucy is finally letting go of Susan and walks over to Peter, Edmund and Otis are now with Helen. ''Bye, Su.'' I say, tears forming in my eyes. ''Oh, Y/n..'' she pulls me in a hug. ''I love you, and I loved the times we have lived together.'' She tells me, ''Love you too, i know you're gonna do great in America.'' I smile at her, giving her one last hug, ''I'm gonna miss my little sisters.'' Susan says to me, ''I'm gonna miss mine too.'' I sniff, before walking over to Peter. He pulls me into a hug right away. ''It was great having you by my side, here and there.'' He smiles at me, tears running over his face. ''It really was.'' I smile back. ''I'm gonna miss you.'' He tightens our hug, ''I'm gonna miss you too.''

As they get in the cab, I'm holding Lucy by me. She stands against me, crying her eyes out. We waved them goodbye and off they went, ready for their new adventure.

We went back inside, to grab our own suitcases. Lucy attacks me in a hug. ''I wish you could've gone with us.'' She cries, ''Me too, Lu. But we'll see each other again soon, okay?'' I told her. She hugs me for a few minutes before she walks over to Edmund, to say goodbye to Otis. Edmund hands him to her and walks over to me. He hugs me tight, both scared to let go. I kiss him, like it's gonna be the last time. ''We'll keep in touch, right?'' I ask him, ''As much as we can.'' He sighs, ''I love you.'' he kisses my forehead, ''I love you.'' I say back. Lucy walks up to us, handing Otis back to Edmund. He kisses his forehead, while tears stream over Edmund's cheek. ''I love you Otis.'' he says, while holding him close to him. Tears run down my face, it hurts to let them separate. ''They're here.'' Lucy says from the window. Their uncle comes to get them, that's also why i couldn't walk with them outside. They were never told Edmund had a kid, they would've reacted badly.

Edmund hands me Otis, giving me one last kiss, Lucy gives me one last hug, and they grab their cases and walk outside. I cry silently, so Otis wouldn't start crying asswell. Ten minutes after they've gone, I walk out with Otis, a bag on my back and a case in my hand. We caught the train, and off we went towards the other side of Finchley, to see my father again for the first time, and let him meet his grandson.

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