Chapter 11,

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(5 weeks later)

(Edmund's POV)

It was Saturday morning and I woke up to something falling on the ground downstairs. The sun hasn't even fully come up yet. I look at the clock in my room and see that it's 05:30 in the morning. I get up and walk out of my room, it looks like nobody else woke up. I walk downstairs and hear shards being moved around. I walk through the door and see Y/n busy with a broom. ''What are you doing?'' I ask, with a cracking and sleepy voice. ''Ed, shit sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.'' She apologies. I walked further towards the kitchen and saw a broken glass laying on the ground in a lot of pieces. ''What are you doing up already?'' I ask her, ''This baby has been kicking all night.'' She gestures dramatically to her stomach, which has grown a lot over the last couple of weeks. I chuckle and walk towards her, she lets her head lie against my chest. ''Did you sleep well?'' She asks me, ''Yeah I did, until you woke me up!'' I smirk at her. She smacks my arm and goes on with sweeping the floor. ''Edmund I'm sorry for waking you up, but could you please, please throw this in the garbage can?'' She points at the shards she had swept together. I know she couldn't do it on her own, because how would she get up again? I chuckle and grab the dustpan and kneel on the ground and swoop it up and throw it away. ''Are you going back to bed?'' She asks me, I shake my head. She walks towards the couch and lets herself fall on it. I went to sit next to her. She leans against me and I place my arm around her. We sat there for at least a half hour, not saying a word, before both went back asleep.

(Peter's POV)

I wake up from Lucy who barges into my room. ''Peter, I want to go downstairs.'' She tells me, I sigh. ''So why are you waking me? You are more than capable of going downstairs yourself.'' Lucy sits next to me, ''So can I wake Edmund and Y/n?'' She asks me, ''Why, why should you wake them, just so you can go downstairs?'' I am confused. ''No, they're asleep downstairs.'' She explains, I raise an eyebrow at her. She grabs my hand and takes me downstairs. As we walk through the door, we see Y/n and Edmund, both asleep. Y/n lays against Edmund, he leans his head on hers and has his arm around her. I look at them, they look peaceful, so should we wake them up, or not? I could hear someone coming down the stairs, it was Susan. She almost bumps into Lucy and I. She looks at us confused, then Lucy points at Edmund and Y/n and she looks confused at them, then at me. I shrug, ''Should we wake them?" I ask Susan, ''What time is it?'' She asks, ''It's around ten.'' Lucy answers. ''Yeah, let's wake them. Y/n has to work in an hour.'' Susan whispers at us. Without thinking, Lucy runs up to them and jumps onto them. It did work, they both woke up immediately. Edmund lifts his head up, and looks at us confused. ''Morning.'' I say to them. Y/n has started attacking Lucy with tickles and she is laughing hard. ''Why are you sleeping here?'' Susan asks, ''Y/n broke a glass this morning, i went downstairs, we both fell asleep again.'' Edmund explains, very sleepy. ''And why did you break a glass?'' Lucy asks Y/n, ''Because it fell out of my hands onto the ground.'' She explains with a 'duh' look. ''I'm glad you slept through though.'' She shrugs, ''What time is it?'' Edmund asks, ''it's ten.'' I answer. Y/n looked at me, then she hurriedly tried to get up, but it didn't go that easy, but she did it. ''Shit, I have to work in an hour.'' She muttered while walking back upstairs.

Edmund and I were setting the table, Susan was reading the newspaper and Lucy was waiting until we could eat breakfast. As soon as I put down the last things on the table, Y/n comes back downstairs. Edmund walks over to the table and looks at Y/n with one eyebrow up. ''Is that my sweater?'' He asks with amusement, ''Yes, it is.'' She answers while sitting down with us at the table. ''And why are you wearing his sweater?'' Susan asks, ''Well, if i wear mine, you can see it, now you can't.'' She answers while buttering her toast, I smile at her answer. Edmund and Y/n don't want everyone to know. Y/n is due in the summer holiday so they don't have to miss school, so no one would have to know until it's born. ''Y/n? Can I come with you to your work?'' Lucy asks, ''Sure, it could get boring.'' She warns, ''That's fine, otherwise i would be bored the whole day here.'' She shrugs. We all finish eating and Y/n and Lucy leave, to go to the library. Y/n works there, and Lucy likes to come sometimes, but always gets bored soon.

After a few hours, I hear the front door open and Lucy runs in the living room and jumps on top of Susan who was sitting on the couch. ''How was it?'' Susan asks Lucy, ''So incredibly boring. Dear Aslan, why do i keep going?'' Lucy exclaims, ''Well, I warned you.'' Y/n chuckles while walking in. ''We bought some groceries on our way back.'' She walks with the bag towards the kitchen, ''Here, let me help.'' I come up and help her put them away.

Edmund comes walking down the stairs, ''Hey love, how was work?'' He asks before giving her a kiss, ''Boring. There were only a few old people, and some of them acted like a real bitch.'' She exclaims, I chuckle, and so does Edmund. ''And Lu? Did you have fun?'' Edmund asks Lucy, but already knows the answer. ''No, it was so calm there. I couldn't do anything, so Y/n here,'' She pointed at Y/n, ''made me put away books.'' She sighs before sticking her tongue out at Y/n, who gladly returned it.

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