Chapter 13, sick day

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(Edmund's pov, two months later)

Lucy and I, together with Otis, were laying on the couch, both Lucy and I sick. We were listening to the radio. Lucy laid against my shoulder and Otis layed in my lap. He was a very cute baby, I know, I'm his dad, but he really is! He's laughing because Lucy shaked my head around. It was very easy to entertain him. Peter, Susan and mum were out in the city. They had to go shop, apparently they didn't have enough stuff for America. Y/n and I have both transferred to a school where you can choose for morning and afternoon classes, Y/n did the morning, I the afternoon. Of course, today I did neither. But Y/n did go to school and should be getting back in twenty minutes. I miss her, which is probably weird since I saw her like 5 hours ago, but still. So I was alone today with Lucy and Otis.

Lucy has started crying because she heard on the radio that someone famous died, she doesn't even know who it was, but because of the fever she starts crying faster. While I was shushing her the door opened and Y/n walked in. Right away she sees that Lucy is crying and walks over to her and kneels in front of her. ''Hey, what's wrong?'' She asks while getting some hair out of her face. ''She's crying because some guy she doesn't even know died.'' I explain, Lucy hits me in the arm. ''Well, it doesn't make it less sad.'' Lucy says crying again. Lucy lets her head fall in Y/n's neck and slowly starts to breathe normally again. ''It will be okay. That man has already lived an incredible life.'' She assured Lucy nods and sits back on the couch. Now Y/n walk over to me and give me a kiss on my forehead. ''Hey love, how are you feeling?'' She asks while putting her hand on my face to feel if I still had a fever. Otis, who saw his mum, starts talking to her and holds his arms up so she would pick him up. ''I'll come dear, but first I have to grab a towel.'' She says before walking towards the kitchen. She comes back with 2 wet, small towels. She places one on Lucy's head and then one on mine. Otis once again starts holding out his arms, but also starts kicking now, excited to see Y/n. ''Hey Otis, it's good to see you.'' She says before picking him up. He immediately starts laughing, and then lays his head on her chest and grabs her neck with his tiny hands. I feel myself tearing up at the sight. ''Are you crying?'' Lucy asks me, Y/n looks at me. I now have tears running down my face and I start to breathe faster. ''What happened?'' Y/n asks, Lucy looks confused at me. ''I just- I... It just does something with me to see you two like this.'' I point at Y/n and Otis and then break down. Y/n snorts and Lucy also has a smile on her face. ''You're crying to see your wife holding your son?'' Lucy asks with a smile plastered on her face, with a tone of amusement in her face. Y/n keeps laughing. ''Wait until you see this with your partner and child, it's just so beautiful to see him this happy, comfortable and safe in the arms of your love.'' I explain, still crying. It seems that I can't seem to stop. Y/n hands Otis to Lucy and comes to sit next to me. I immediately let my head fall into her shoulder. She runs comfortingly with her hand through my hair and with the other one holding me. Then Peter, Susan and mum walk in. Lucy was still laughing at my state, the three who just walked in looked confused. ''Why is he crying?'' Susan asks, Y/n too, starts laughing again together with Lucy. I now stand up and walk over to Susan for comfort, clearly i'm not gonna get it from my little sister or wife. ''No love, i'm sorry, i really am.'' Y/n says laughing while grabbing Otis again from Lucy who almost started crying because he wasn't with her. And that sight made me cry again. ''So? Why is he crying? And why is he crying now, again?'' Peter asks, ''He's cried and is crying because he saw and sees Y/n and Otis together. In his words: 'It's just so beautiful to see him this happy, comfortable and safe in the arms of your love', something like that was what he said.'' Lucy says laughing again, Y/n started laughing even harder because Lucy tried to mimic me. Now Susan and Peter start laughing too, except mum. She walks over to me and gives me a hug. ''There, there. It's good that you care like that. Those are on of the few moments i do think you're a good father.'' She starts laughing now too. ''I knew it, you all don't love me.'' I sigh, wiping away my tears. Y/n stands up and walks over to me, with the arm she isn't holding Otis with, she places it around my waist and kisses my shoulder. ''We do, this is all an act out of love.'' She says before kissing my cheek. ''Well, I think it's time Otis goes to bed for a few hours. Say 'bye bye' Otis.'' She says waving with his little arm at the rest. ''Sleep well!'' Lucy says and the rest wave back. I decided I also wanted to come, so the three of us walked upstairs. We walk in our room and lay him on our bed. I grab his onesie out of his crib and lay it next to him. ''Do you already know were you and Lucy are going?'' She asks while undressing Otis. I know what she is talking about. She's talking about when Susan, Peter and mother leave for America. ''Not sure, but probably to my stupid uncle and aunt. Do you already know if your father is back by then?'' I asked her, ''Yes, he sent a letter. He's coming back in a month or so and he is happy to have me, and also Otis to come back.'' She sighs, she gives Otis a kiss on the cheek, so do I and she lays him in his crib. She sits back down on the bed next to me. ''I don't want us to live separately..'' She places her head on my shoulder. ''I know, love. Me neither, but it will only be for a little while, and we'll try to see each other as much as we can.'' I whisper, hoping that it would be true. But hoping is the key word, because Y/n's father lives on the other side of Fichley, and my aunt and uncle live in Cambridge, so quite far from Y/n. That would be a long way with the train. We sit there in silent for a moment, until Y/n looks at me and places her hand against my forehead, ''Your fever has come down a bit.'' 

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