Chapter 6- Progress

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Eve opened the door to Charlie's apartment and on her way slammed the door closed, so hard that Charlie thought she had broken its hinges. Ellie, who had come over to Charlie's apartment, watched Eve with fascination. She had hardly talked to the girl but she could tell Evelyn wasn't the type of person to act like this. "Are you ok?" Charlie asked.

Eve ignored his question, instead she made a beeline towards her couch. She then suddenly stopped right in front of it when she noticed Ellie was sitting in her spot. "Get up." Eve commanded.

Ellie raised her eyebrow and smirked, "Why should I?"

"Cause that's my spot."

Ellie looked at the couch she was sitting on and then back at Eve, "I don't see your name on it."

Eve rolled her eyes and laughed sarcastically, "Haha. I'm not kidding, Ellie."

"I'm not kidding either." Ellie found Evelyn's to be cute when she was upset. Ellie then paused for a second. Cute? The red head wasn't the type of person to think people were cute. To Ellie, she either thought girls were hot, fine, or sexy. So why did she suddenly think Evelyn was cute?
"Jesus fucking christ. I'm not in the mood for your games." Eve started to get more and more upset by the second.

Ellie found herself staring at the way Evelyn's lips were slightly pouting, her nose was scrunched, and her eyebrows were furrowed. Ellie leaned forward and manspread, she put her elbows on her knees, showing off an eagle claw ring she was wearing on her right pointer finger. Ellie smirked, "How about we just end this argument here and you sit on my lap."

Eve's pissed off expression quickly turned into one of pure shock. Charlie coughed on his own spit, accidentally reminding the two that he was still in the room. Eve turned her head in order to hide the blush that grew on her face, however she failed miserably. "You're such a shit." She mumbled. The smirk on Ellie's face grew as she noticed how flustered the girl had become from one comment.

Eve walked over to the larger couch and sat down next to Charlie. After about ten seconds of the room sitting in pure shock about what Ellie had said to Eve they went back to doing whatever. Ellie sat back into her more relaxed position, she pulled out her phone and started to aimlessly scroll on it. Charlie had gotten back to grading the paper he was currently working on, which Eve soon found out was Ellie's, and Eve grabbed a random book from the coffee table. The book that she had picked up was The Great Gatsby. She had read the book before but she saw no harm in reading it again.

After about ten minutes the room sat in a comfortable silence, acting as if the moment between Eve and Ellie didn't happen. Charlie finished reading and taking notes of Ellie's essay. He takes a deep breath, grabbing Ellie's attention, and starts to give notes, "This is..." He exhales and tries to find the right words. "You say that Walt Whitman wrote Song For Myself."

Ellie doesn't even look up from her phone as she responds, "Yeah?"

Eve rolls her eyes, "It's called Song of Myself." She makes an emphasis on the word 'of'. Her sour mood was still present and it probably would be for the rest of the day.

Ellie glances up at Eve for a second, "My title's better." She looks back down at her phone and continues doing whatever the hell she was on her phone.

"Yeah." Charlie briefly says, "Well..." Charlie wasn't used to handling a kid with an attitude like Ellie's and that was extremely obvious. "Ok, I'll just change it." Eve rolled her eyes, Charlie shouldn't be letting Ellie walk all over him like this.

He starts to read Ellie's essay to her so he could give her more advice, "The poem Song of Myself is in a book called Leaves of Grass. It was written by Walt Whitman and was published in 1855. He paid for the first publication himself."

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