Chapter 4- A God Damn Sandwich

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Heather didn't know how long she had been sitting there in the warmth of the love of her life, but it must've been hours since when she finally opened her eyes the sky was significantly darker than when she had gotten there. She was glad to know that even when she opened her eyes the warmth of Aspen was still there. It was reliving and brought a major amount of joy to Heather but she knew she had to go back to the apartment.

The girl teared up at the thought of saying goodbye to her Aspen but she knew if she stayed there for another minute it would turn into hours and those hours would turn into days. Heather knew it was best for her to let go, she finally had the closure of knowing Aspen had felt the same way so it was best for her to just leave when she could. When she stood up Heather noticed her legs were asleep and wobbled, only confirming to the girl that she had been there for too long. With the held back tears finally escaping her eyelids she placed her hand on top of Aspen's grave. "Goodbye, Chewie. I love you." she whispered with a shaky voice. She felt numb as her hand slid off of the tombstone. Her mind not registering her body moving to the car, it felt as if she was just playing a video game and not actually in her body.

Heather didn't even realize she was crying all the way home until she got out of the car. She exited her car with red eyes and tear stains running down her face. As she stepped onto the road she had a mini heart attack as a pizza delivery man recklessly drove in front of her. Heather paused for a moment to compose her racing heart and shaking body. When she finally composed herself she started to walk back to her apartment, mentally planning what she would make for dinner considering she was extremely hungry from crying so much. She was broken from her trance when she noticed that a familiar door was unfamiliarly open.

When Heather looked up she saw Charlie looking out of the open door and right at Heather. Charlie knew about Heather and Aspen and the two had gotten quite close to each other because of the shared feelings both had. Sometimes Heather and Charlie would have long talks about the ones they loved. It would range from why they feel in love, moments they would share, and even sometimes how their deaths have changed their lives. Of course Charlie gained a lot of weight after the death of Alan but Heather started to develop unhealthy habits. Throughout the rest of her high school years she got drunk whenever alcohol was available, even sometimes getting her hands on hard drugs. It was a tough topic for Heather but when she thought about Aspen too much she would go into a depressive spiral. A few of them even lead to Heather trying to join Aspen, before being stopped by the thought that she would leave Eve alone in this world. Only Charlie knew about the extent that Heather's depression went to, Eve knew about it but she didn't know it led to Heather almost committing.

By the look on Charlie's face Heather could tell he was begging her to come over. To do what exactly? Heather didn't know. But Charlie looked desperate so she didn't waste time, nodding at Charlie and walking into her apartment. She knew that Charlie wanted to talk with both of the sisters; she had gone back to her apartment to fetch Eve. Upon entering her apartment she was met with her sister reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. The girl had barely been able to put the book down since she had gotten it and was already more than halfway through the book. Heather saw tears running down her sister's eyes so she immediately ran to her sister's side, "What happened? Are you ok?" Eve sniffled with a sad smile, "Yeah I'm fine. It's just- I want what they have, you know?"

Heather looked at her sister confused, "What?"

"Evelyn and Celia. I want what they have. The love they share for each other. I want it."

Heather looked at her sister with a smile, Eve had never talked about relationships before and as much as she wanted to ask about why she had a sudden interest in falling love she decided against asking. "You'll have a love like theirs someday, but in the meantime we have to go to Charlie's."

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