Chapter 18- Hugging The Sun

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A/N: this chapter was supposed to be a super long one as a christmas gift but midterms, writer's block, and dropping hints to my bsf that i have a crush on her has been kicking my ass recently so while it's still a christmas gift it's now a 2 part chapter instead of one long thing. But anyways thank you so much for reading and please don't be silent!

Numbness. Feeling detached from your emotions. Like you can't feel anything. Ellie felt as though she was afloat in the middle of an ocean on a small raft. For the past few years, this ocean sent waves mercilessly crashing against her ship, damaging it and chipping away at its exterior. It was only when Ellie decided to abandon ship that the waves calmed down. The raft gently bobbed up and down as Ellie navigated her way to the shore, stable ground.

The only thing standing in her way was the peaceful waters that caused the redhead to zone out as she watched the swimming fish go about their day. Ellie watched mesmerized as the fish swam circles through the pastel coral beneath her. The redhead wanted to be like the fish. She wanted to swim around without a care in the world and look happy doing so. Their patterns weren't calculated, nor were they intentional. They moved like life was a game, one where they didn't care if they won or lost. She wanted to be like that, she wanted to swim through reefs like it was all some game for her enjoyment.

The reef below her was also something she envied. It looked dull to Ellie, but she knew that to anyone who wasn't her, it was bright. It was fun. She wished she could see it through the eyes of another, perhaps Eve. However, Ellie knew that the two shared more of a brain than they realized. Ellie internally apologized for thinking of such a thing. Someone as beautiful as her Evelyn shouldn't share a brain with her convoluted self. But she could almost hear it now. If she told Eve she thought they shared a brain, Eve would smile and take it as a compliment. That smile always made Ellie nervous, even if she didn't mean it as something good.

But today could be different. Today, she might be able to shake off the numbness. The day ahead of her was filled with the one person who had made her truly smile in years, and quite frankly, Ellie couldn't wait. For the longest time, the redhead felt like nothing this good could ever happen in her life. Someone as bright as Eve could never exist, and if they did, they would stay as far away from Ellie as possible. But, like a total eclipse, the once-in-a-lifetime type of relationship formed when the moon and the sun met. She was ready for the next four days to just be her and Eve. No one else, just two best friends going on a 15-hour car ride together.

So after Ellie packed the last pieces of clothes she would need for the trip, she rushed out of her trailer. She didn't want to be there any longer than needed, and neither did her mom. The two's relationship had gotten rockier since Mary visited Charlie's apartment. Ellie had asked Heather what Mary said once she and Eve left the apartment and even though the woman was hesitant to tell the girl, it didn't take much for her to tell Ellie every single word Mary said about her daughter. And with that information, Ellie had decided that until she gets an apology. Mary was no longer her mother. They were just two strangers living in the same run down trailer.

The older girl sat on the steps on her trailer, waiting for her best friend to pick her up. Like Ellie said, all of the money she received from Charlie was hers and she didn't give a cent of it to her mom. Not even when the woman had to sell the only car they had to pay for their rent and groceries. She was dedicated to proving that she was a responsible adult, that she could grow up and live without the help of the woman who raised her. And plus it's fine, she could buy her own car soon enough.

The sound of gravel scraping against each other caused Ellie to look up from her shoes. A run down, navy blue car pulled up in front of the trailer park. The young, beautiful girl inside looked around wearily, wondering if she was at the right place. The redhead chuckled at seeing the confused look on Eve's face. It was obvious Eve hadn't spotted her yet. Ellie picked up her bag and slowly walked towards the car.

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