Chapter 10- One Step Forward

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Eve had woken up to her older sister frantically shaking her, "Eve! Eve, wake up!" Heather pleaded. Eve slowly opened her eyes and allowed herself a moment to adjust to the light before speaking, "Alright, I'm up." Ellie glanced over from where she was sitting on the dining room table, trying to see how the young girl was doing.

The young girl sat up and looked around the room, she didn't remember how she got there or when she had fallen asleep. A confused expression dawned her face as she kept trying to remember what had happened. Eve looked behind her to see Liz still trying to wake up Charlie, almost as frantic as her sister was. As Eve looked into the dining room she saw Ellie sitting there with a random woman, who was pulling out a lighter and a cigarette.

Heather checked her sister for any signs of an injury, she had been worried sick since the moment she entered the apartment with Liz and some random stranger that turned out to be Ellie's mom. The sight of her sister unresponsive on the couch scared the daylights out of the girl. It brought back many memories of when she would find Ben in the same state. Heather hugged her sister tightly and rubbed her back gently.

Charlie woke up seconds after Eve and immediately started coughing and wheezing. Liz acted quick and got out the breathing machine Charlie seemed to be using every time the woman visited him. Liz puts the nose piece into Charlie's nose so that he could breathe easier, she wasn't too worried about Eve since it seemed like she was breathing normally.

The sound of a lighter flicking turns Liz's attention towards Ellie's mom. "Not with the oxygen tank." Liz scolds, she very obviously did not like the woman and only let her in the apartment since she was looking for Ellie.

Ellie's mom takes the unlight cigarette out of her mouth with two fingers and looks at Liz, "I'll stand by the window." She returns the sass Liz gave her.

Liz stands up straight and sighs loudly, having had enough of the older lady already. Ellie's mom takes Liz's actions as a no, so she puts the cigarette back into the box and tucks it into her pocket.

"Ellie told you she was coming over?" Charlie asks to try and break the tension. Meanwhile, Heather finally allows herself to let go of her sister. Eve sits up on the couch and when her older sister sits next to her she leans her head on the older girl's shoulder, still slightly tired from the drugs.

Liz then answers for Ellie's mom, "No, I did." The older woman glares at Ellie, "And just in time, looks like." Liz's words confused Eve and as much as she wanted to ask she knew the situation was too tense. "Are you two having any more pain?" Liz asks. Eve shakes her head and Charlie nods slightly. Liz sighs, "How easy is it to move?"

Charlie shakes his head, "Not very." Heather looked at her sister worriedly, she had ingested the same drug as Charlie so there was a possibility of her getting the same symptoms.

In reality, since Eve didn't ingest as much of the drug as Charlie did, she was still a little sluggish but she wasn't hurting anywhere.

Liz turned to look at the two, "Any confusion? Have you felt disoriented, forgotten where you are or what you're doing?" Heather watched as her sister shook her head at every example Liz gave.

Charlie cut in before Liz could keep talking. "Am I ok?"

All of Liz's attention was now on Charlie, she shook her head and told him the truth, "No, you're not ok." She paused, realizing how harsh she sounded, "But as far as the sleeping pills, you're fine." Eve raised a brow, sleeping pills? "I don't think she gave either of you that much." Liz finished, glaring at Ellie.

Eve followed Liz's gaze over to the red head and the look of guilt on the older girl's face gave it away. A frown etched itself on Eve's face as she turned her gaze back to the nurse in front of her. Why would Ellie do that? I mean, she knew that the conversation with Charlie wasn't the most comfortable, but it's what she needed to hear to truly get better. So why would she go so far as to drug them?

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