Chapter 15- 8's A Lucky Number

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Eve's 10th birthday was a disaster. It all started off great and was nothing but fun and entertaining for both the adults and the very few kids attending. The party was doctor themed (like how it had been for the past five years) and Eve's grandparents put in quite a lot of effort into making this her best birthday ever.

Eve's grandparents had always been the richest of the family, so rich in fact everyone spent family gatherings kissing their asses in hopes of getting plenty from their wills. So naturally, when their granddaughter had the huge milestone that was her first decade on Earth they went all out with the party. They asked Eve what she wanted for her party and no matter how outrageous the request was they would get it for her, or at least something close.

They then asked Eve who she wanted at her party but the girl only listed about enough people to count on one hand. When they continued to ask her why she didn't want anyone else the girl corrected them. Eve wanted people at her party, she just didn't have people to invite. At school she didn't talk to anyone and the majority of the kids thought she didn't talk. So, Eve's grandparents took matters into their own hands and invited the whole class and Benjamin's work friends. Only about five out of the 0ver 50 kids from Eve's school showed up.

That's how the youngest Keaton found herself being handed an adorable, fluffy bunny. The 10 year old was in awe of the small animal in her arms. It was surprisingly calm and nuzzled its nose into the girl's arm. Eve had never felt more happy in her life and that feeling only heightened when she saw a specific guest walk into the backyard. "Aspen!" The young girl shouted, running up to her older sister's best friend. "Look at this bunny!"

Eve had always loved Aspen. Unlike Heather's other friends they didn't see her as "Heather nerdy younger sister," instead Aspen saw her as her own person. Whenever Heather brought Aspen over it would be the greatest day of Eve's life. The younger girl felt a certain pride when it came to hanging out with girls who were already in middle school, especially when she beat them in mario kart.

"Aww, it's so cute!" the older girl gushed, petting it gently. "What's its name?"

Eve stayed quiet for a moment, not knowing the answer. She looked behind her to the lady running the petting zoo and turned back to Aspen, "Don't move." And with that, Eve was jogging to the lady, careful not to disrupt the bunny in her arms. When the younger girl sauntered away Aspen laughed to herself. She had always thought of Eve as the younger sister she never had. Everytime she was over at Heather's house the two were practically inseparable, which caused Heather to joke about Aspen loving her sister more than her. Aspen had always denied that, Aspen could never love anyone more than she loves Heather.

Speaking of the sister, Aspen suddenly felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and the floral scent of Heather's perfume filled her senses. "Took you long enough." Heather said with a smirk on her face, it was one that Aspen felt butterflies whenever she saw it.

"It's not my fault I didn't have a ride." Aspen unconsciously leaned into her best friend as they watched Eve excitedly run back to them. "My mom decided to go on an overseas vacation with her new girlfriend... again."

"New girlfriend? Isn't this like her third one?"

"Yep. Third one in two months and she's already choosing her over her own daughter." Aspen spoke in a sarcastically cheery tone but inside the girl was dying. The reason she spent so much time with the Keaton sisters was because they were quite literally the only people she had. Her mother was a wealthy business owner who threw all of her money away on taking her girlfriends on lavish vacations while the daughter she had at home was left to fend for herself. The older woman would occasionally send money but it would only ever be enough for absolute necessities.

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