Chapter 1- Limited Time

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One year later Eve and Heather received the biggest scare of their life. The two had just finished grocery shopping for themselves and Charlie. They were on their way back to the apartment, driving peacefully to the radio playing fainting in the background, when they got a text from Charlie on their family group chat, telling them he needed help.

Eve looked at her older sister with a frightened look in her eyes. When Charlie texted for help he would usually be more specific of what had happened. He would tell them if he had fallen, couldn't get off the couch, or just needed more food. But this time Charlie had just texted a simple, "I need you guys to come over."

Heather noticed the look on her sister's face and quickly glanced at her, asking what was wrong. When Eve told her Heather returned the look and started accelerating the car to dangerous speeds. It was raining out so Eve was scared that the car would slip but she also felt relived since the rain also meant not many other cars were out driving.

Soon enough the sister barged through the door to see Liz already checking up on Charlie, who had a breathing machine plugged into his nose. The two didn't speak as they let Liz do her work with Eve watching her every move closely. Even if the girl had expanded her taste in literature, Eve's fascination with healthcare hadn't faded the slightest bit since the past year.

"You should have called an ambulance." Liz scolds Charlie as she puts a blood pressure cuff around his arm. "With no health insurance?" he says solemnly.

Heather sighs, "Being in debt is better than being dead." She pauses and looks at Liz and Eve to see almost completely neutral faces on both. But Heather knew how to see through their expressions. Eve was anxious and scared for what this meant for Charlie. Liz was dreading the moment she would have to see the results, she seemed to already know what was to come and she was thinking intently about how to tell the girls the news. "For all three of us." She finished.

Liz nodded her head, "What's wrong with you?" Liz has always had a tough love mentality but they knew it was just to stop her from being heartbroken again. When Alan, Liz's brother and Charlie's boyfriend died Liz became a lot more tougher on people as a way to not get attached and thus, not get heartbroken again. She had even tried not letting the two sisters in at first, scared about what the outcome would be like if they ever were to leave.

Liz puts her stethoscope around her neck, breaking Eve from her trance and spacing her back into her surroundings. She looks around to ground her mind again and notices a weird looking boy sitting at the kitchen counter. "What's a missionary doing here?" she whispers to her sister, not realizing she said it loud enough the other four people in the room heard her.

The boy looks back down at whatever book he was reading. "Someone left the door unlocked." Charlie said as Liz continued to check up on Charlie. They all knew his statement was pointed towards Eve, since she was the last one to have left the apartment last night.

Her face flushes in embarrassment, "Sorry. I must've forgotten." Her tone makes Charlie look to the floor in guilt, he didn't mean to make the girl feel bad. Heather was quick to defend her sister as well as she can, "It's a good thing she didn't, though. If she hadn't you might have..." She doesn't dare finish her sentence but everyone in the room knew what she was about to say.

"Guys, I don't like it when you-" Charlie tries to talk but Liz cuts him off. "Ok, Ok. We just hate the thought of you being sealed up in this place when none of us can be here."

Eve felt a wave of guilt wash over her. Out of everyone else she spent the most amount of time with Charlie. Heather was busy with college classes and work to the point where she could only be there in the late afternoons and Liz was working at the nearby hospital which also took up most of her day. Charlie noticed the way Eve was looking at her hands and picking on her nails. "This is one of the rare moments I'm in here by myself, and it's my fault I was too. I sent Heather and Eve to get my groceries."

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