Chapter 4

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It's about 10 now and I'm headed to the party. I put Ashton down to sleep at about 8:30 and Skylar got here about 15 minutes ago. She apologized because she said she was a little later than she said. All because she had to drop Hazel off at her house. I don't know why Eric couldn't have but that's not my problem.

I had to grab some of Skylar's clothes to wear to the party. I'm wearing black jeans with a white crop top and a flannel over it. I thought about wearing nicer clothes but since I took my motorcycle I chose not to.

I pulled into his street and just maneuvered my way through the parked cars and parked my motorcycle right on his driveway in between two nice ass cars. I take off my helmet and look up at the massive house in front of me. Jesus it must be nice to have that much money.

I walk up to the door and I hear the loud music playing. I don't bother ringing the doorbell and I walk in.

There are already horny teens all over each other, and people dancing in the living room. I walk over to the kitchen when I see a few of my friends from the basketball team.

"Hey, Alex!!!" Lexi yells and everyone around her looks over at me and smiles. They all have drinks in their hands and I can tell that most of them are drunk by the way they are talking. Plus Lexi is being very touchy and she usually isn't when she's sober.

We started talking about basketball tryouts coming up and how everyone was nervous yet excited. We all know we have a big chance of winning state this year and I think that's why everyone is so anxious to start playing. The conversation kind of starts to die down and we all go our separate ways.

"Let's dance" Lexi orders as she drags me through a crowd of people. Lexi has never really shown an interest in me because she is usually all about boys but tonight is different, she won't leave me alone. I mean she is hot, she has a slim body, long brown hair, hazel eyes, and perfect bronze-colored skin so I'm not complaining.

As we are making our way through the crowd I bump into someone. "Watch where you're going" I roll my eyes as soon as I hear that annoying voice. Hazel. Just great my night was going well up until now. "Alex it's good to see you, you want a drink" Peyton shouted when she saw me, not even giving me the chance to respond to Hazel. I looked at the bottle she had in her hand. "I'm good, thank you."

I start to walk away with Lexi but then Hazel speaks up again. "What? Can't handle your alcohol?" I just roll my eyes and start to walk away. "She doesn't drink" Lexi states. "Not that it's any of your business," I added. "Oh right! I forgot you're miss perfect! I should have known you wouldn't touch anything bad for you!" She states in a sarcastic tone. She's clearly wasted and I'm not wasting my night on her. I pull Lexi away from them and finally, we make it to the dance floor.

"She's a bitch" Lexi states. I laugh and agree with her explaining why I don't like her. "Well I've never really talked to her but all of a sudden I don't like her." She grins. I just smile down at her "Welcome to the club."

Right after that she grabs my hands and places them on her hips and she puts her hands on my shoulders. I pull her closer so that our bodies are fully touching and our lips are so close that I can feel her breath. She brings her lips to mine and I can taste the alcohol. I smirk once she pulls away. She rolls her eyes and says "Don't do that" I smile now "Do what?" I question. "Acting cocky" she responds. She's now staring into my eyes and I don't like that because this isn't supposed to mean anything and by the way she's looking at me it seems like it might mean something to her.

Almost as if she could read my mind she looks away and takes my hands and places them on her ass. I smile down at her again and bring my lips to hers and she pulls me in really close. As the music changed so did we.

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